SAN DIEGO -- A man who met with two Sept. 11 hijackers before they crashed an American Airlines jet into the Pentagon has been deported to Algeria, the Department of Homeland Security said Friday.
Samir Abdoun, 38, was arrested 11 days after the 2001 attacks and convicted of immigration and passport violations and Social Security fraud, officials said. He remained in U.S. custody until arrangements could be worked out with the Algerian government.
Armed federal agents escorted Abdoun onto a commercial flight Thursday in San Diego; he arrived Friday in Algeria, where authorities took him into custody, said Lauren Mack, a department spokeswoman.
Homeland Security authorities say Abdoun met with hijackers Nawaf al Hazmi and Khalid al Mihdhar, and lived in San Diego with four men who were arrested as material witnesses in the hijacking of American Airlines Flight 77.,0,1211232.story?coll=sns-ap-politics-headlines