I am going to be sick. Someone tell me it's my lying eyes & that this is a FUCKING JOKE!
Straight from UNA-UNSO's web-site from some sort of a historical paper:
Nationalistic facet of ideology and policy of the ukrainian radical nationalists from UNA-UNSO
(snip) Before 1992 these groups resorted to nationalism only sporadically, but since that time it has been increasingly exploited as an ideological tool for expressing opposition to democracy — traditionally identified with the West and with Jews. The nationalists seek to establish a Ukrainian ethnocracy (natsiokratiia), modeled on the formerly European national-authoritarian regimes of the first half of XX century. In the footsteps the Ukrainian nationalists have created
their own version of the Aryan myth in which the Ukrainian nation is seen as the progenitor of the Indo-European race. Its
destiny is to become a superpower that will lead the Aryan world in fighting the forces of evil and destruction, behind which hide the Jews bent on world domination. (snip)
Ukrainian Nationalist Parties: A Political Portrait
The following extreme nationalist parties were formed during the period of the breakup of the USSR in the 1990s:
The Ukrainian National Assembly (Ukrainska natsionalna assembleya, or UNA) and its paramilitary wing, the Ukrainian Self Defence (Ukrainska natsionalna samooborona, or UNSO).
Considering the political and organizational instability of most of the political parties, from 1993 to 1999, UNA-UNSO was outstanding in the extent of its activities. It succeeded not only in strengthening its position and expanding its influence, but also in becoming the most popular radical right-wing party in the Ukraine. Its image became that of a highly active party whose leaders made shocking statements, and which inspired various political actions, complete with populist slogans and militant calls to arms.
The party’s imperialist aspirations were declared at the conference on “New Directions of Ukrainian Geo-Politics” held in Lviv in summer 1993. The party perceived the Ukraine’s future being linked to its Eurasian location, its geo-politics associated with pan-Slavism, and its ideological basis related to the “Eurasian” historical, political, and spiritual world.
At the conference, the leaders of the party advocated the
formation of a bloc of “insulted nations” to be led by the Ukraine in opposing major imperialist systems. To be included were Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, and some of the Balkan states. A later suggestion called for the inclusion of Belarus and Chechnya, as well as non-governmental organizations of various countries that do not accept the present international arrangements.
As for domestic policy, UNA-UNSO preaches
a melange of left-wing, right-wing, and conservative ideas: social equality,
opposition to “fat cats,” redistribution of the national income in favor of workers, the active involvement of a strong government in the economy, as well as traditional values of the family, the people, discipline, and the state.
Particular attention has been paid to youth work, through UNA’s special youth committee. In 1995 there was an increase in the number of military-sports camps to train young people for self-defense units. Aimed particularly for children 12–17 years old from poor and broken families, the camps train in hand-to-hand combat, tactics, intelligence gathering, camouflage, and techniques for facing police units. Training involves strenuous physical activity and iron discipline: beatings with rods is a common punishment.
Asked whether UNA-UNSO considers itself part of the New Right, one of leaders of UNA replied “To some extent, yes,” but noted that, in contrast to European New Rightists, the Ukrainian extremists have attained a “happy union” of action and theory.38 This “happy union” finds expression on the cover of the “popular scientific” magazine Natsionalist, published by the Dontsov Supporters’ Club. The
Gothic script and the motto “Ukraine Above All” prepares the reader for the ideas expressed inside, while the emblem of the Ukraine SS-Galichina division, which fought alongside the Nazis, recalls the past implementation of extreme nationalism.
In propounding an ancient Ukrainian origin of Christianity, however, different but equally nefarious roles are ascribed to the Jews: they are called “plagiarists” and occupiers of ancient Ukrainian territory — Palestine. One of the Ukrainian historical revisionists explains how the “ancient Jews” came to have the Old Testament: in approximately 2,000 B.C., a segment of the ancient Ukrainians passed through Mesopotamia and headed toward the Nile. These were the creators of the Rig Veda, who symbolized their devotion to the sun and harmony with the universe by the swastika. While in the process of migrating, they “were opposed by the Semitic king Yosi. After conquering the disunited Aryans, the Semitic chieftain adopted their ideology. Thus the ancient Jews got the Old Testament. This is how people from the territory of present day Ukraine founded the religious philosophy of the Jews.”
An alternate version of the conquest of Palestine, and of the non-Jewish origin of Jesus and Christianity came later. According to it Semitic tribes forced their way into the Middle East from the Arabian deserts and destroyed the proto-Slavic civilization. The Hittites, Palestinians, and other Slavic tribes “were driven out of their historic homeland. The Jews conquered the city of Rusa-Lel (a name supposedly derived from Rusov Otets — “father of the Rus” — founded in 1,800 B.C. by Ukrainian-Hyksos, and renamed it “Ierusalim” (Jerusalem). The Ukrainian, or more precisely, Galician, origin of Jesus is attested to linguistically by Jesus' final words, said to be of a dialect of the “Carpathian region.” Zarathustra — “who was born somewhere east of Lugansk and Rostov” — predicted the advent of the Christian messiah. Author of this theory cites Dontsov, as well as “Western scholars, who deny the Jewish origin of Christ.” He adds that “all references to the Old Testament
are later interpolations.” As with its predecessors, the Ukrainian mythology views the Jew as the incarnation of Evil, while its own people are a nation of Heroes called upon to purify the world and establish a new order in it.
We must recognize our messianism, our holy obligation toward Ukraine and all of humanity.... The next millenium will be marked by an aggravation of the struggle between two opposing worlds — the Aryan one and the Semitic one, between the forces of Good and those of Evil. Ukraine, headed by UNA-UNSO should be the vanguard of Aryan civilization. That the kikes are the servants of the Devil is obvious from the Bible, the Talmud, the Torah, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and from the whole history of the kike people. Who created the satanic teaching of Communism? Who built the Evil Empire of the USSR? Who were members of the CheKa? Who destroyed churches, organized the mass starvation and the destruction of the elite of the Ukraine?... The Germans were right when they made their autos-da-fe....
Among such enemies in the Ukraine are perhaps three million Russians and 600,000 Jews. (snip)
Delayed trial halted in mass confusion
The hunger strike of UNA-UNSO prisoners was stopped on the 20th of October
Judicial power's independence is in the ace again
The rights of the arrested UNA-UNSO members are being violated
Petition to Ukraina's Government
Far-right leader complains of maltreatment by police
Ukraine's security service detain ultra-nationalist leader
UNA-UNSO - ten years of struggle!
Statement of UNA-UNSO
Aims of the International Conference
UNA-UNSO statement concerning last events in Kosovo and Methohia
Demands of UNA from the Government and President of Poland
Communique of UNA-UNSO concerning development of conflict in Yugoslavia
Statement of UNA "Freedom for general Pinochet"
UNA statement concerning escalation of conflict in Kosovo
UNA statement concerning nuclear tests in India
UNA statement on support of India
UNA-UNSO addresses
Doctrine of destabilization
Our place in the crusade of Europe
Revolution from Couture
Eurasian Project
Nationalistic facet of ideology and policy of the ukrainian radical nationalists from UNA-UNSO
Messianic Mission
Big Guns
The Orange Revolution. Proudly financed by George Bush and George Soros.
This information was taken from their web-site. Someone please tell me this is a sick joke. That that is not really their web-site. That that is not their emblem. That they do not really believe those things.
Calling DU researchers... This just can NOT be right!