into the U.S. and this is no conspiracy BS either. How do I know this. Two reasons.
1. After 9/11 and after we went into Afghanistan. The poppy fields were planted and were being cultivated until harvest. With all the money we have put into this supposed war on Terror, for some reason, we could not pay these farmers to grow anything else. You see, by growing poppy to make the Heroin for the demanding war/drug lords over there, these farmers make a fortune of $2-300 a harvest. Imagine making all that money in a year. Then, they have to pay the war/drug lords a percentage upon their harvest, and if they do not, they will be killed.
Even with the billions of dollars we are now investing in Iraq, we still were putting in quite a bit of money in Afghanistan. Of course, more in bombs like Daisy cutters. But we still have a huge amount of money promised to Afghanistan and its people.
When representatives were asked by the media why our Government did not just pay the farmers to grow something else, pay the war/drug lords not to kill these people for growing a crop of something that would feed everyone, and show them it would be more profitable all the way around not to grow the poppies, and burn the poppy fields before harvest. Our Government's spokesman stated that our police would get the drugs as they were trying to be sneaked into the country through Columbia and the border with Mexico (which costs millions of dollars, does not stop the drugs from coming in, and more people losing their lives).
Now, does that sound like our Government does not want these drugs coming into this country? Wouldn't it have been easier to destroy the poppy fields that produce the Heroin and pay these farmers 4 times the amount as well as the war/drug lords plus help them to feed more of their own people and themselves? I think that is a redundant question.
But here is why the Government and the DEA, State Police, County Police, Town Police and on down want those drugs to get into this country. It's all profitable for these agencies. You see, if they bust someone with large amounts of drugs, albeit Marijuana (which will never be legalized for this exact same reason), Heroine, Cocaine, etc., all the property the distributor owns including homes, land, cars, even the clothes off their backs are then auctioned off, and the Department that got the big drug bust gets all the money from all the auctions. Not for personal use (well not suppose to but we all know there is a little corruption here and there. Look at NYC Commissioner. The man had a home and 2 park avenue apartments. He was living pretty large, huh. However, the money they get from these drug busts and the auctions that follow do allow them to get bonuses, raises, more equipment, vehicles, etc.
So to end this (sorry so long), there is no "war on drugs." It is another myth our Government has put out there for the masses to believe.
It is to profitable for the law enforcement agencies in this country. That is why they don't want the little pushers, they want the big guys. The big guys have the 3-4 million dollar homes in other parts of the country, the expensive cars, the big bank accounts.
If you do not believe me, just look at the newspapers and DEA car auctions every week, especially in the cities.
I remember when I was in my 20's there were Black People stating that the FBI were bringing the drugs into their neighborhoods, trying to keep them down, trying to keep them hooked on the drugs. I thought they were ridiculous to make such statements. I really do not know if this is true; however, I don't put anything past our Government and the agencies involved.
We have checks and balances (or we are suppose to); however, our founding fathers must not have thought about any checks or balances for any of the Government Agencies that have come to be since our Constitution was written.