you gotta read this whole article and look at the wipe it makes through both the Repukes and the Dems ....ugly stuff....
Ethics: In the Eye of the Beholden?
Conflict-of-interest woes involving House and Senate members have
December 31, 2004
WASHINGTON — Faced with mounting evidence that current ethics rules do not cover new ways lobbyists have devised to win favor with members of Congress, the House ethics committee plans to unveil an array of proposed changes next year.
But the proposed changes appear likely to loosen ethics restrictions, not tighten them.
One change would let special interests begin to pay some of a representative's official operating expenses — in effect, making the member beholden for the daily activities of his or her congressional office. Another would increase the number of family members allowed to go on junkets paid for by private interests, a move seen as weakening the rules designed to keep members of Congress independent of outside groups.
The House proposals to loosen ethics restrictions parallel a lack of reform efforts on ethics issues in the Congress as a whole.
Former Senate ethics committee chairman Harry Reid (D-Nev.), now Senate minority leader, has made no apparent effort to push for the ethics review he called for last year after The Times detailed extensive financial relationships between members of Reid's family and business interests he had helped.
In another case reported by The Times, the sister of U.S. Rep. Nick J. Rahall, (D-W.Va.) is earning $15,000 a month lobbying members of Congress, including her brother, for the tiny Persian Gulf country of Qatar. The Rahall and Weldon cases were two among several reported by The Times in which relatives of members of Congress engaged in lobbying activities.
Others include Sens. John B. Breaux (D-La.), Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) and Reid. The Senate is scrutinizing business dealings involving members of Stevens' family and business partners whom, as The Times has reported, he helped.