New York Times, Communications (Section)
Myths Run Wild in Blog Tsunami Debate"by JOHN SCHWARTZ
"Published: January 3, 2005
"As the horror of the South Asian tsunami spread and people gathered online to discuss the disaster on sites known as Web logs, or blogs, those of a political bent naturally turned the discussion to their favorite topics.
"To some in the blogosphere, it simply had to be the government's fault.
Democratic Underground, a blog for open discussion and an online gathering place for people who hate the Bush administration (www.democraticunderground.com), a participant asked, 'Since we know that the atmosphere has become contaminated by all the atomic testing, space stuff, electronic stuff, earth pollutants, etc., is it logical to wonder if: Perhaps the 'bones' of our earth where this earthquake spawned have also been affected?'
"The cause of the earthquake and resulting killer wave, the writer said, could be the war in Iraq. 'You know, we've exploded many millions of tons of ordnance upon this poor planet,' the writer said. 'All that 'shock and awe' stuff we've just dumped onto the Asian part of this earth - could we have fractured something? Perhaps the earth was just reacting to something that man has done to injure it. The earth is organic, you know. It can be hurt.'
... snip ...
" 'Get out the tin foil hats,' a contributor to (another) blog wrote.
"What was lost in the sniping over the
Democratic Underground posting was the fact that the follow-up comments were a sober discussion of what actually causes earthquakes. The first response to the posting asked, 'Earthquakes have been happening since the beginning of time ... How would you explain them?' "
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http://www.nytimes.com/2005/01/03/international/worldspecial4/03bloggers.html?oref=login&pagewanted=all&position=(bold-faced type emphasis added by TaleWgnDg)
And, as if that is not enough, here's more comments about the NYTimes article and DU at dKos:
"NY Times wages war on blogosphere
"by Omar
"Mon Jan 3rd, 2005 at 14:10:35 EST
"In an astonishingly stupid article in today's Times, John Schwartz blows the lid off of internet nuttery! Evidently, kooky people sometimes post kooky things on the web. Who knew!
And just guess which bloggers were held up for scorn: why it's those wacky Democrats at
Democratic Underground!"
. . . more . . .
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/1/3/141035/4844(bold-faced type emphasis added by TaleWgnDg)