months after hurting his back while unloading a truck at Fort Campbell, Staff Sgt. Christopher Goodin is still assigned to medical holdover status at Fort Knox.
Sgt. Terry Underwood is still waiting for surgery to repair an Achilles' tendon he ruptured in 2003 while deployed to Bosnia by the National Guard.
They are among nearly 150 sick and injured soldiers at Fort Knox who are lingering in a medical limbo created when the military found itself unprepared for fallout from the war with Iraq.
Problems at the medical holding facility first came to light in 2003 when, after returning from Iraq, some soldiers spent about eight weeks in dilapidated World War II-era barracks with leaking roofs, animal infestations and no air conditioning in the heat. The barracks were condemned and soldiers were moved.
More recently, Army officials have suggested a court-martial for a soldier because he checked himself into a civilian mental hospital after being denied treatment at Fort Knox.