I think they should drown this guy.....
Jan. 4, 2005, 12:43PM
Thailand fires top tsunami forecaster
Associated Press
BANGKOK, Thailand — Thailand's top forecaster was removed from his job today for failing to issue a warning as huge waves barreled toward tourist resorts, the prime minister said.
The country's Meteorological Department has said that it knew about the huge earthquake that struck off the coast of Indonesia's Sumatra island on Dec. 26 — and that it might produce a dangerous surge of water along the country's southwest coast — about an hour before waves began slamming ashore.
But officials said they had no way to determine the size of the waves and therefore the threat they posed. They said they were reluctant to issue a warning without such information because it could harm the tourism industry, an action that could anger the government.
Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said Suparerk Thantiratanawong, director general of the Meteorological Department, had been removed from his post for the failure.
"If he warned (of the tsunami), the death toll would definitely have been minimized," Thaksin said...cont'd