Who paid for the dime for his political leave?
Let's RECALL the bastards.
This from the KC Star today:
http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/news/local/6759167.htmMilitary examines whether state senator's vote violated protocol
The Kansas City Star
Dolan confirmed that he was under investigation for his actions. He said one of his commanding officers in Cuba had called him Thursday night after he voted on the bill to discuss the situation.
"It's very clear he is very upset, and that I face some kind of disciplinary procedures," Dolan said.
He blamed the investigation on Holden, whose political adviser, Roy Temple, made his leave of duty an issue before the vote on concealed weapons. Dolan said Holden's office had directed Missouri Adjutant Gen. Dennis Shull, a Holden appointee who commands the state National Guard, to produce an opinion that Dolan had violated the directive.
Dolan confirmed he was under scrutiny because of a Defense Department directive that says an officer "may not hold, or exercise the functions of" a political office while on active duty. The rules apply to "a reserve officer serving on active duty under a call or order to active duty for a period in excess of 270 days."
The regulations stem from the doctrine of separation of powers in the Constitution, which mandates civilian control of the military. While those in reserve positions can hold elected office, they are prohibited from exercising political functions or engaging in politicking while on active duty.
Shull confirmed that the governor's office had called him to inquire about Dolan's leave status and about who had authorized it. Shull said he then informed officials in Holden's office that military regulations prohibited Dolan from performing political duties.
Shull said he contacted Dolan on Thursday morning before the vote and informed him of the military regulations governing political activity.
"I felt obligated to the young man," Shull said.
Dolan said he told Shull that he did not believe the regulation applied to him since he had not served 270 days of active duty yet.
Another KC Star columnist shares opinions on these (unrepresentative) politicians:
http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/news/local/6758294.htmPosted on Sat, Sep. 13, 2003
BARBARA SHELLY: Legislators shoot down gun election
JEFFERSON CITY - Just like that, Missouri is a concealed carry state.
It happened without much fanfare, without another huge cash outlay from the National Rifle Association, without a second public vote. Missouri became a state where people can legally tote around concealed weapons because its political power base has tilted just enough in favor of conservative and rural interests.
By overriding Gov. Bob Holden's veto of a bill passed earlier this year, the legislature overrode the will of 52 percent of the people who voted in a 1999 statewide election on the concealed carry issue.
The action is outrageous, though only to those of us in the 52 .
edit: typo