By Bradley Graham
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, January 7, 2005; Page A01
Under current policy, a reservist is not to serve on active duty for more than 24 months, although those months can be split among multiple deployments that occur over a period of years.
The change under consideration, the Army official said, would essentially make a reservist eligible for an unlimited number of call-ups but stipulate that no single mobilization would last more than 24 consecutive months. The official said the Army would attempt to use such expanded authority sparingly to avoid alienating soldiers. THAT bygod ought to kick the morale up a notch or two.
Right up there with "The whippings will continue until employee morale improves."
"Congratulations Private Smith, you've completed your 24 months of active duty. We're giving you a day off before we call you up for another 24 months."