WASHINGTON Illinois Senators Barack Obama (buh-RAHK' oh-BAH'-muh) and Dick Durbin want the government to investigate why Illinois veterans don't get the same disability payments as their counterparts nationwide.
Obama and Durbin met yesterday with Veterans Affairs Secretary-Designate Jim Nicholson. The meeting was one of Obama's first moves as senator.
http://www.kwqc.com/Global/story.asp?S=2778481Senators meet new veterans chief
The man tapped to lead the Veterans Affairs agency told Illinois' senators Thursday he is "troubled" that the state's wounded veterans have received among the lowest disability pay in the country and promised to find out why.
"He did not appear to have a good rationale for why this was happening," Sen. Barack Obama said after talking with VA Secretary-designate Jim Nicholson. "He promised that he would get us answers and that he would come to Chicago to explain to Illinois veterans why the system is the way it is."
Nicholson characterized his meeting with Obama and Sen. Dick Durbin as "constructive." The 20-minute talk was part of Nicholson's effort to meet with senators in advance of his confirmation hearing and was initiated by Obama, who serves on the Senate Veteran Affairs Committee.
"There is a real concern on the part of the VA on this," Nicholson told the Chicago Sun-Times. "People are looking into this trying to understand what are the constituent factors that go into these