Jim Wasserman
1:57 p.m. January 5, 2005
SACRAMENTO – In a significant echo of President Bush's plan to privatize part of Social Security, an influential California Republican lawmaker and taxpayers group want California voters to begin a long-term privatizing of two of the nation's largest public pension systems.
The change, if passed during a possible special election later this year, could eventually unravel much of the influence of the state's two massive public pension funds that manage more than $300 billion in assets. With holdings that rival the gross domestic product of many nations, the funds are major proponents for reforms on Wall Street and inside corporate suites, a role that has earned them high-profile opponents in U.S. business circles.
The idea to force new hires into 401(k) plans after 2007 would represent a major change in the nation's public pension landscape where an estimated 90 percent of state and local government employees receive traditional benefits. Though several states, including Florida, Ohio and Michigan, have moved toward 401(k) plans for public employees, participation is voluntary and has been lagging since a major stock market correction in 2000