Leaders of the Maryland Democratic Party said yesterday that they believe a Republican Party advertising campaign that attempts to sway upcoming General Assembly votes violates state lobbying laws.
Democratic Party officials called on the state's special prosecutor to investigate the $25,000 radio and newspaper blitz, which was launched last week to dissuade Democrats from overriding the vetoes of Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R).
The GOP commercials, which are scheduled to continue airing on local radio stations tomorrow and Tuesday, focus on the votes of three Democratic state senators from Anne Arundel County on two key bills. One measure would reduce malpractice premiums for doctors. The other would guarantee increased funds for higher education.
State lobbying laws require anyone who spends more than $2,000 to influence legislation to register as a lobbyist.
"There is no record of the Maryland Republican Party being registered as a lobbying entity," said a statement released yesterday by Terry Lierman, the state's Democratic Party chairman. "Therefore, the electronic and print advertisements are flagrant violations of Maryland law."
Republican Party Chairman John M. Kane said yesterday that the legal question was discussed within party headquarters Friday and that he remains unsure whether the advertising campaign runs afoul of the law....http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A59849-2005Jan8.html