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New Photos and Video Unveiled in Trial of Iraqi Prison Abuse -NYT

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Rose Siding Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 06:15 PM
Original message
New Photos and Video Unveiled in Trial of Iraqi Prison Abuse -NYT
FORT HOOD, Tex., Jan. 10 - Prosecutors unveiled a new series of graphic photographs and videos here today showing abuse at Abu Ghraib prison as they tried to portray the alleged ringleader of the prison abuse scandal as a sadistic thug who punched detainees for sport, posed smiling next to the swollen and bloody face of a detainee and bragged about forcing an Iraqi woman to let him photograph her naked.
Mr. Womack insisted that government officials were blaming his client because they were embarrassed when original pictures leaked out from Abu Ghraib and set off outrage against the United States among Muslims and around the world.
But prosecutors called as witnesses other soldiers who recalled Specialist Graner laughing and joking even as detainees moaned, screamed and pleaded with him to stop.

Specialist Graner is on trial for conspiracy to maltreat Iraqi detainees, assault, dereliction of duty and committing indecent acts. A jury of 10 officers and enlisted men are hearing his case. A conviction requires a vote of seven of the 10, and he is found guilty of all counts, he faces a prison sentence of up to 17 1/2 years.

Today, in the first day of deliberations, Specialist Matthew Wisdom, the first witness, described a prominent photo from Abu Ghraib that showed the muscular Specialist Graner holding a detainee as if he were about to strike him in the face.

The witness said Specialist Graner cocked his arm while the picture was taken, and then he punched the detainee. Asked how hard Specialist Graner hit the prisoner, Specialist Wisdom said, "If I was that detainee, I know that it would be very painful."
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Florida_Geek Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 06:18 PM
Response to Original message
1. For once the military is going after somebody
This guy is just going down.
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Kagemusha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 06:20 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. You haven't read his defense, have you?
He's going for jury nullification with a jury of people who've been shot at in Iraq and Afghanistan, and is arguing that what happened is no different than cheerleader pyramids and lassoing prisoners. Nothing to see here. Just the Army finding a scapegoat. Acquit and move on.

Let's see if it works first before deciding the military has been "going after" anyone.
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Florida_Geek Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 06:26 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. Well the first witness kills the Cheerleader bit
"Today, in the first day of deliberations, Specialist Matthew Wisdom, the first witness, described a prominent photo from Abu Ghraib that showed the muscular Specialist Graner holding a detainee as if he were about to strike him in the face.

The witness said Specialist Graner cocked his arm while the picture was taken, and then he punched the detainee. Asked how hard Specialist Graner hit the prisoner, Specialist Wisdom said, "If I was that detainee, I know that it would be very painful.""
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0007 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 06:39 PM
Response to Reply #1
7. The military is going after somebody
like the way professional wrestlers go after each other.

The Army indeed went after that Sargent that ordered Iraqis to be thrown off a bridge into a river to their death, 'eh? He lost one rank and was given a reprimand.

This schmuck was just using "lessons he had learned in his civilian life as a prison guard to try to maintain discipline"

If this asshole goes down it only cuz junior sez he must.
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Megawatt Donating Member (118 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-05 08:30 AM
Response to Reply #7
11. You can bet the same shit goes
on in American prisons with assholes like Graner. I've only known one prison guard in my life - I spent 4 years in the military with him, he got out and got a job at the local federal prison. I swear he could have ended up on either side of the bars - it was just by chance he never got caught at anything.

In America the guards get their kicks by staging gladiator fights - letting the prisoners beat each other up for their amusement.

Mostly sickos if you ask me.
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pokercat999 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-05 08:53 AM
Response to Reply #1
12. Of course he's going down.
He a scapegoat. Not that he shouldn't be punished, a slap on the wrist will be ok for him. I want harsher punishments for the commanders that gave the orders and life in prison for the war criminals at the top including Bush and Company. I'm against the death penalty although they probably deserve it if anybody ever did.

But this Specialist just followed unlawful orders. I know he was supposed to decline those unlawful orders but had he done that he would now be in Antarctica or worse. Those in or ex military will understand about disobeying even unlawful orders in a combat zone it's takes someone either very convicted and strong or very stupid. The average Joe just ain't gonna do it.
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Name removed Donating Member (0 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 06:22 PM
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DoYouEverWonder Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 06:34 PM
Response to Reply #3
6. I hope he take a few others with him
Edited on Mon Jan-10-05 06:35 PM by DoYouEverWonder
This is one sick mfer.

Graner says whatever happens, he hopes to have a smile on his face

The soldier's defence says the abuse was sanctioned by his superiors.

"He was doing his job. Following orders and being praised for it," Mr Womack told the court.

Spc Graner, in his dark green dress uniform, chatted and joked with his defence team before the hearing began, but showed no reaction during the proceedings.

His trial is expected to last at least a week.

"Whatever happens is going to happen, but I still feel it's going to be on the positive side and I'm going to have a smile on my face," Spc Graner said last week.
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Just Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 06:42 PM
Response to Reply #6
8. There ya' go: ",...the abuse was sanctioned by his superiors."
So, when are those superiors and their superiors and Gonzales and Rummy and Rove and Cheney and Bush GONNA BE CHARGED WITH CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT WAR CRIMES!!!


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Been Fishing Donating Member (161 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 07:18 PM
Response to Reply #8
10. It took 15 years to get Pinochet.
I'm hoping it won't take that long to get Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Gonzales, and a whole lot of military general officers.
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Just Me Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 06:33 PM
Response to Original message
5. ,..."conspiracy to maltreat Iraqi detainees,..."
Boy O can I think of a LOT of people who should be charged with that one!!!

Conspiracy to commit war crimes, another biggie with which many should be charged!!!
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AngryWhiteLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 06:45 PM
Response to Original message
9. Sadistic little shit...the perfect stormtrooper for Shrub's Holy War
Graner needs to be put away, but not scapegoated. Frankly, I know plenty of military types and a sizable group are sick sadistic, mysogonistic dicks. They may serve our country, but that doesn't mean that all are "good people."

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