fine by me... House GOP seen straying from pledges in 'Contract'
By Rick Klein, Globe Staff | January 10, 2005
WASHINGTON -- They stormed into Congress a decade ago, a fresh-faced band of Republican candidates brandishing a Contract with America that promised balanced budgets, ''citizen legislators" who would serve and return to the private sector, and a restored trust in the nation's elected leaders as the GOP took control of the House for the first time in 40 years.
But after 10 years of Republican control of the House, members of the majority party appear to have strayed from some of the promises that got them there. The nation is running up record budget deficits, term-limit pledges are being jettisoned, and House Republicans voted last week to weaken the ethics-enforcement process in Congress.
Now, the Contract with America is relevant again -- as a reference point for growing disagreements among Republicans about how far they have strayed from their core principles.
The items from the contract that have fallen by the wayside have been cited repeatedly in recent days and months by Republicans frustrated by the gap between their leaders' rhetoric and reality. Voices are emerging from within the Republican Party to return the GOP to the simple planks of the contract that helped the party gain power in the House.......