Governor releases $111.7 billion budget plan
By TOM CHORNEAU, Associated Press Writer
Last Updated 6:55 pm PST Monday, January 10, 2005
SACRAMENTO (AP) - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger took aim Monday at what he called the lunacy of the state budget system by unveiling a $111.7 billion budget that increases spending overall while trying to curb the rate of overall spending growth.
Schwarzenegger's plan closes what is now an estimated $9 billion deficit next year without raising new taxes or using accounting gimmicks that have characterized recent budgets, including Schwarzenegger's current one.
But the plan relies on nearly $4 billion in borrowing and takes $2.6 billion from what school officials said they are owed to plug other holes.
Some public health services, welfare recipients and transportation programs would take the biggest hits, but Schwarzenegger has largely protected public universities and the state's mammoth medical plan for the poor and the disabled from cuts. red ink and cuts for those who can least afford it. Compassionate conservativism strikes again.)