Amount Is Most Pledged By Party for Such a Race
By Michael D. Shear
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, January 11, 2005; Page B01
RICHMOND, Jan. 10 -- Democratic National Committee Chairman Terrence R. McAuliffe plans to announce Tuesday that the party intends to invest $5 million in Lt. Gov. Timothy M. Kaine's bid to become Virginia governor, Democratic sources said.
State party officials said the contribution will represent the largest amount the DNC has ever given to a Virginia candidate for governor. Four years ago, the national Democrats gave then-candidate Mark R. Warner and the state party $1.27 million. The DNC did not give any money to the party's 1997 candidate for Virginia governor, Donald S. Beyer.
Kaine campaign officials declined to confirm the amount of the DNC commitment for this year's campaign. But the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of concerns about preempting the official announcement, said the party will contribute $5 million overall to Kaine's campaign. He probably will be opposed by Republican Jerry W. Kilgore, the state's attorney general.
"It's clearly a statement that the DNC thinks the race is winnable," said Kerry J. Donley, chairman of the Virginia Democratic Party. Donley declined to confirm the amount of the contribution but said, "My understanding is that it's more money than the DNC has ever given."