Cuba and Venezuela Promote Alternative Latin American PactPerodico 26 (one hour ago)Cuban and Venezuelan officials spoke out in Santiago, Chile over the weekend in favor of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA, in Spanish) as an option to the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).
At an activity sponsored by the Chilean Communist Party, Cuban ambassador to Santiago, Alfonso Fraga, labeled the FTAA proposed by the US government as "death's embrace." He contrasted it with the "friendly embrace of solidarity and integration," which is the main goal of the ALBA initiative of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.
The Cuban diplomat said the US plan is a virtual takeover rather than an association, and seeks to make Latin America into a raw material supplier and product assembly center to evade taxes, reduce wages and avoid health and environmental regulations within its territory, Trabajadores weekly newspaper reported on Monday.
Fraga pointed out that the ALBA initiative that takes its name from the 19th century South American liberator Simon Bolivar, goes beyond an economic agreement since it focuses on fighting poverty and social exclusion through viable trade and investment mechanisms. Victor Delgado, Venezuelan ambassador to Chile, emphasized that the project seeks to recover the historical roots of Latin American nations, based on cooperation and solidarity, while prioritizing humankind over the market.