"The pain matrix is not fully understood yet."
Dr Alison Gray, a spokeswoman for the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said: "The experience of pain depends on biological factors such as the amount of tissue damage and release of natural pain killers - endorphins - in the brain.
"We know anecdotally that religious believers can tolerate great pain when there is a specific purpose, and I would speculate that this would operate via endorphin release.
"Religious practices such as prayer and meditation release endorphins and would in theory increase the pain threshold.
"It will be interesting to see what these trials show, it may be that the specific purpose of bearing the pain is missing, if so I would expect the tests would be inconclusive."
But the Church of England said it was possible religion could be of help.
A spokesman said: "Pain is a fact of life, whatever your beliefs. Christians feel pain just like everyone else, but many would say that their belief in a God who cares and the promises of the Bible are a huge comfort in difficult times."
Two thoughts:
1) This is a damn good time to do rational analysis about what 'faith' does to our minds and bodies just as 'fascism' was studied after WWII. Very important things were discovered, and, unfortunately for us, then exploited to prolong the Cold War and create the War on Terrorism. American scientific fascism is based on beliefs induced by propaganda to intentionally induce a controlled level of fear of enemies tempered by the hope of capitalist riches.
But a distinct psychological profile, the Authoritarian Personality, was codified as a result of the studies and shown to be part of religious cult power as well as right-wing political views which can very easily be exploited by a strong fuhrer-figure like W who allows no deviation from 'his way' and warns us of invisible threats.
http://www.anesi.com/fscale.htm(The F-Factor or Fascism Receptivity Test)
So studying 'faith's' effect on humans while a fascist theocracy is in power in the US and threatening the world, torture is institutional, and lots of suffering is in our foreseeable future seems timely and appropriate.
2) I've reached a conclusion through my own studies on why people need to have optimism or 'FAITH' in Santa Claus or Best Dad or Best God or Best Football team or Best Country or suffer a brain chemical-induced loss of performance ability called depression.
My answer-
Evolution has given human biology...THE OPTIMISM IMPERATIVE.
That is, we need to believe that whatever we source from (parents, nation, planet, deities) WANTS US TO SURVIVE SO WE WILL MAKE THE EFFORT TO DO SO.
If we have more fear than hope, we don't function well and evolution makes us targets for elimination in the 'food chain.'
But why?
Almost all biological mechanisms (and 'mind' is a biological result of 'brain') are geared towards an organism's achieving survival and spreading genes. This is the core mechanism of Darwin's Natural Selection model of evolution.
The emotions of fear and hope are 'mind's' evaluation of the liklihood of survival based on sensory input stimuli combined with memory-based anticipation of what those stimuli suggest. The different prospects for survival and procreation suggested by 'tigers all around' or 'women all around' produce different chemicals in our nervous systems that affect our brain's performance.
Depression, or lack of 'faith/optimism,' reduces activity and lessens one's chances of leaving the cave to find food and a mate.
Religions that involve a benevolent omnipotent deity also mimic the psychological imprinting every human recieves as a helpless child dependent on the sustained efforts of parents to protect and nurture them. Social controls are induced into every child's personality through methods that, to the helpless child, resemble torture. This confusing alternation between suffering and security allows many to believe in a loving and protective God even in a world of horrible and arbitrary suffering.
http://www.actabuse.com/chartofcoercion.html(Biderman's Chart of Coercion)
So faith reflects the belief that something more powerful than tigers or human torturers will look out for you like a parent, even if only in an after-life.
This leads to the longest-term brain comfort of 'faith': not fearing death.
Thousands of years ago, humans started to figure out that they had a limited lifespan and came up with explanations of where they went after life to diminish the fear of the unknown. 'Faith' serves to allay that fear.
So all this explains why 'faith' or optimism is a self-perpetuating state of mind and depression or pessimism is a self-eliminating state of mind in the human nervous system we inherited long before Machiavelli, Hitler, and the neo-cons worked the levers of hope and fear, optimism and pessimism, to manipulate people.
This is also the parallel between biology and capitalist investment markets. Pessimism keeps investors out and optimism brings them in.
This leads to the distorted reasoning that anyone critical of unregulated corporate capitalism is anti-American and a threat to every American's survival. This idea is one of the principle propaganda messages in the 20th century and gave us the deification of Ronald Reagans based on the unsubstantiated optimism of his 'Morning in America' political theme.
What free-market apologists omit from their attempt to equate 'freedom' with an unregulated market is that a system based on self-interest with no check on power is by definition psychopathic and leads to the remorseless causing of suffering in others, something many see coming from the corporate-owned and run White House. of an Economic Hit Man - John Perkins)
This week's cover story of Time magazine is 'The Science of Happiness' with a yellow smiley face at the center of a molecule and phrases like "Does God Want Us to be Happy?" - "What is joy?" floating underneath.
The scientific fascists who design and operate our society's mainstream media are pushing the public towards the blind faith of religion to reduce the rationality of the masses to make them less questioning of their 'leaders' and more tolerant of the ever-increasing suffering their greedy and violent policies will produce for us.
Studies like the one at this British Centre for the Science of the Mind will get lots of money to find better ways to manipulate us with impunity, I'm afraid.
But I have FAITH that more and more of us will figure out the scam and thwart their long-term plans using the collective intelligence shared at websites like Democratic Underground.