Web posted January 13, 2005
Murkowski announces oil tax hike
Action would affect approximately 10 percent of oil produced in the state
Seanna O'Sullivan / The Associated Press
State of the State: Alaska Gov. Frank Murkowski addresses a joint session of the 24th Alaska state Legislature for his State of the State address Wednesday at the state Capitol.
Gov. Frank Murkowski used his State of the State address Wednesday to announce his intention to raise taxes on nearly 10 percent of the oil produced in Alaska.
The administrative action will combine seven smaller North Slope oil fields for taxation purposes under Alaska's oil production taxation regime known as the Economic Limit Factor, or ELF. It is unclear how much money the change would raise for the state or exactly how the plan would be implemented.
Democratic lawmakers have called for an overhaul of the entire ELF law for the last few years, arguing that the tax, last updated in 1989, allows most new fields to avoid paying the state. Murkowski's action extends taxation into the six fields, but does not overhaul the law.