District Judge John Shabaz handed the Madison-based Freedom From Religion Foundation a victory Wednesday in ruling that federal funding of a prison mentoring program in Arizona violates the First Amendment prohibition against the promotion of religion.
Gaylor said the DHSS response that it didn't know the religious mission of the program was "incredible."
"They said it was up to watchdog groups like ours to monitor the activities of groups getting federal funding. That says the government has no guidelines in place or desire to monitor these groups," she said.
Gaylor said she hadn't looked into Mentoring Connections operations and couldn't comment on them, but Shabaz's ruling was important because it would allow the foundation to pursue federally funded faith-based organizations that employ unconstitutional practices in their work.
"(MentorKids) is not the only case like that out there. ... We're very delighted to have a ruling we can use in the future and where we find a problem we'll continue our lawsuits," she said.