TORONTO (CP) - There have been no problems with anyone in Ontario being forced to perform same-sex marriages against their will after more than 1,000 such weddings in the past 18 months, Attorney General Michael Bryant said Thursday.
"We've probably had more experience with civil ceremonies of same-sex couples than maybe any other jurisdiction in the world," Bryant told The Canadian Press. "We've been very Canadian about this, and the municipalities in the province have managed it."
A marriage commissioner in Regina recently said he would not perform same-sex marriages, and a mayor in Newfoundland gave up his right to perform marriages because he opposes such unions, although neither has been asked to preside at a gay wedding.
But Bryant said large and small communities across Ontario dealt with the issue without complaints from people who perform marriages, or from gay couples unable to find someone to preside over their wedding.
Bryant called fears that someone may be forced to participate in a gay marriage "a tempest in a teapot," and said he's confident that communities in Ontario share the same values as towns and cities across the country.
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