, January 13, 2005 - ©2004
LONDON, Jan 13 (IranMania) – The only ‘reformist’ woman MP of Iran’s Parliament reported of the efforts launched by a number of MPs to ratify a bill obliging Iranian women to wear ‘Islamic’ veil-like dresses called the ‘chador’, Iran’s Shargh Newspaper reported.
Mehrangiz Morovvati said that Fatemeh Ajorlou, a ‘conservative’ woman MP from Tehran is following the case and her other allies are doing everything in their power to ratify the bill as soon as possible.
“Wearing the chador should not turn into an obligation for Iranian women. It is only the religious authorities who determine the dress codes for Muslim women, thus no one can force people to change their dress codes.” Hussein Noushabadi, Iranian MP of Varamin noted.
He added that some MPs’ remarks are no more than personal comments and that they cannot be taken as the general stance of the entire parliament.
Recently the conservative-dominated Iranian Parliament has begun taking steps to make it obligatory for Iranian women to wear the chador, a black head-to-toe wrap. The move apparently comes after a rather freer atmosphere which prevailed in Iranian society as regards dress codes during President Khatami’s tenure.
The current situation although still far from democratic apparently infuriates the hardliners who mostly term themselves as the first generation of the 1979 Islamic Revolution who still adheres to what they term as the true ideals of the revolution including the practical implementation of the rule of Islam.