It is not a secret for anybody in Venezuela, that President Hugo Chavez has criticized (and rightly so) members of the church for their active participation in the April 2002 coup d’etat and their silence when previous administrations ransacked the treasury, ignored the needs of poor population, and acted repressively against popular protests. Mr. Chavez recalls examples when, while working at the Government palace for other administrations as a military attaché, he witnessed the corrupt practice of government high ranking officials handing out cash to clergymen in return for their ignorance of the real problems in society. Due to this position by Mr. Chavez, Porras has been an active and outspoken adversary of the Chavez administration.
It is true that poverty, unemployment, corruption, violence, insecurity and some of the other qualifiers currently exist in the Venezuelan society. However, to voice these facts at this time by clergymen, when they have not done so in previous administrations is inexcusable. In Venezuela, these social ailments have existed for many years prior to Mr. Chavez taking control of the government. Invasions of land by poor people were allowed by administrations since the 1960’s as a result of lack of jobs in rural areas, to the point that major metropolitan areas are completely surrounded by shacks and poor neighborhoods. UNESCO rates Venezuela´s poverty rate at 80% of its population, but this figure was calculated prior to Mr. Chavez taking control of the government. Unemployment has risen in the current year due to four strikes in 2002, called for by the business elite. In total, the last strike produced losses in the order of 8 billion dollars to the economy and the subsequent closure of businesses brought the unemployment rate higher. What the pamphlet ignores is that many of these businesses closed after the strike, because the business owners who endorsed the strike wanted to retaliate against the government. By leaving people in the unemployment line, business owners maintained the pressure over the government leaving a large number of workers on a limb to find out new jobs which were no longer available. The implementation of currency exchange controls has precluded more money to leave the fragile economy, and this is a measure that has been applied by previous administrations as a measure to preclude economic chaos.
Mr. Porras brings up these social ailments as if they were new issues that no one else ever noticed before. Mr. Porras mixes the allegations about violence and corruption with an “increase in the presence and activities of subversive groups in the borders”, as if this was a problem that the Chavez administration created. In fact, guerrilla movements in the border with Colombia (which is the border that Mr. Porras is alluding to) has existed for as long as the FARC has been operating in Colombia (over 40 years). The opposition in Venezuela, however, has made up the idea that Mr. Chavez and the government are financing and providing sanctuary to the FARC in Venezuelan territory to discredit the Chavez government in an attempt to persuade the US government to take action against Mr. Chavez. However, Mr. Porras does not condemn the incursion of Colombian paramilitary groups into Venezuelan’s territory and the killings of some Venezuelan troops in violent clashes against this paramilitary.
With respect to human right abuses, the conditions of jails, murders, intimidation, etc., Mr. Porras again mixes issues to confuse the readers. Why is it a concern nowadays that the conditions of jails are inhumane in his opinion, when the conditions of these jails have been a problem for decades? Mr. Porras complains about the lack of respect for the rights of oil workers recently fired. What rights is he talking about? These are oil industry executives and middle class workers who walked out during the strike for two months, committed acts of sabotage, and now they expect to go back to their work places and continue to live in free housing provided by the government-owned oil company (PDVSA) like nothing ever happened? What about the rights of workers who were sent home by business owners, and when they returned to their jobs after the strike, the owners have closed their companies, and the workers did not even receive their forced layoff pay checks as required by law? What about the rights of poor people who have endured previous administrations without these ever providing adequate medical care, adequate education, or any opportunities to better themselves? What about the right of approximately 70 campesinos (land workers) who have been murdered by opposition death squads in the last two years just because they have been given land and financing by the Chavez government?
(snip) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Venezuela complains to Vatican about bishop's "meddling"
Caracas, May 25 (EFE).- The vituperative half-decade-old argument between Venezuela's Roman Catholic hierarchy and its leftist-populist government has been ratcheted up another notch by the Chavez administration's complaint to the Vatican that the country's top bishop is meddling in politics.
The Chavez regime on Monday rejected renewed criticism of the government by the head of the Venezuelan Bishops' Conference, Monsignor Baltazar Porras, and said it will lodge an official complaint with the Vatican about the prelate's "proselytizing."
Pro-Chavez congressional leader William Lara blasted Porras' assertions that the government planned to form "popular militias" as part of a new defense strategy announced two weeks ago by the president.
Porras told the Caracas daily El Nacional that Chavez wanted to arm Venezuela's people "so we can kill one another."
Claiming that Porras was "once again telling a bald-faced lie," Lara said Chavez's "integral defense plan" does not entail arming the population but rather promoting the concept of the "co-responsibility" of government and society in safeguarding the country's security.
He said Porras was "usurping the name of the Catholic Church to spread political propaganda," which, according to Lara, goes against Vatican instruction to pastors to occupy themselves principally with their parish's spiritual concerns.