the world (or at least shrubs) is becoming like the old wild west:
U.S. Bounty Hunter on Trial in Afghanistan
By Martin Brass, Soldier of Fortune Magazine
The badlands of Afghanistan have become a magnet for adventure-seeking "soldiers of fortune," private contractors, self-proclaimed counter-terrorism experts, and/or security guards.
Bounty hunters and fortune seekers, fed up with low-paying, boring grunt work, arm themselves, preparing for a wild chase with high financial rewards. Some hope to capture the ultimate prize -- Osama bin Laden -- for the $25 million bounty, placed on his head by the United States.
This new breed of non-uniformed warriors has replaced men in uniform, in roles traditionally reserved for the military.
"You'd see them speeding around in SUVs with tinted windows, sipping tea with Afghan warlords and commanders, barrel-chested men in their thirties and forties with short-cropped hair and accents from the South and Midwest. Ask them who they were, or what they were up to, and you'd get a broad, insolent grin.