The most important American political event in those preparations for Hitler was the infamous `` Third International Congress on Eugenics, '' held at New York's American Museum of Natural History August 21-23, 1932, supervised by the International Federation of Eugenics Societies.@s9 This meeting took up the stubborn persistence of African-Americans and other allegedly `` inferior '' and `` socially inadequate '' groups in reproducing, expanding their numbers, and amalgamating with others. It was recommended that these `` dangers '' to the `` better '' ethnic groups and to the `` well-born, '' could be dealt with by sterilization or `` cutting off the bad stock '' of the `` unfit. ''
Italy's fascist government sent an official representative. Averell Harriman's sister Mary, director of `` Entertainment '' for the Congress, lived down in Virginia fox-hunting country; her state supplied the speaker on `` racial purity, '' W.A. Plecker, Virginia commissioner of vital statistics. Plecker reportedly held the delegates spellbound with his account of the struggle to stop race-mixing and inter-racial sex in Virginia.
The Congress proceedings were dedicated to Averell Harriman's mother; she had paid for the founding of the race-science movement in America back in 1910, building the Eugenics Record Office as a branch of the Galton National Laboratory in London. She and other Harrimans were usually escorted to the horse races by old George Herbert Walker--they shared with the Bushes and the Farishes a fascination with `` breeding thoroughbreds '' among horses and humans.@s1@s0
Averell Harriman personally arranged with the Walker/Bush Hamburg-Amerika Line to transport Nazi ideologues from Germany to New York for this meeting.@s1@s1 The most famous among those transported was Dr. Ernst Ru@audin, psychiatrist at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Genealogy and Demography in Berlin, where the Rockefeller family paid for Dr. Ru@audin to occupy an entire floor with his eugenics `` research. '' Dr. Ru@audin had addressed the International Federation's 1928 Munich meeting, speaking on `` Mental Aberration and Race Hygiene, '' while others (Germans and Americans) spoke on race-mixing and sterilization of the unfit. Ru@audin had also led the German delegation to the 1930 Mental Hygiene Congress in Washington, D.C.
http://www.tarpley.net/bush3.htmChapter -III- Race Hygiene: Three Bush Family Alliances