Do you, or someone you're close to, struggle to pay for college? Are you discouraged that the tuition checks you write go up every year? Do you think an affordable college education is an important part of the American dream? Are you angry that the right wing is making cuts to college financial aid at the same time it's working to extend tax cuts to millionaires?
If your answer is YES to any of these questions, please share your story with us. want to take your story -- and the stories of other parents and students -- straight to the politicians who are considering additional cuts. We want to prevent them from simply approving cuts without having to deal with the people whose lives they're impacting. Finally, we want to take stories directly to the media to make it even harder for politicians to duck the consequences of putting millionaires before students.
Please share your story today and put a real face on the decisions these politicians are making: before Christmas, the Bush administration snuck through $300 million in cuts to college financial aid.<1> These cuts eliminated Pell Grants completely for nearly 100,000 students, and partially cut grants for over 1 million more.<2> The cuts are scheduled to take effect this fall -- at the start of the 2005-2006 school-year -- but already there are efforts mounting in the Congress to overturn them.
Your stories will energize and embolden the campaign to eliminate these cuts. By exposing the real-world impacts of college aid cuts, your stories will raise the political costs for any politician who continues to support them. Politicians will have to face the people whose aid they propose to cut -- and the media and public will be able to watch as they make their decisions.
So please share your story today. Let us know how important a college education is to you and how cuts to financial assistance would impact you or people close to you - whether it's increased loan and debt burden, more time spent working and less studying, dropping a class, or taking more out of your nest egg to pay for your child's education. Tell us your story so that we can amplify it for the media and politicians and pressure decision-makers to do the right thing. you in advance for getting out the real stories behind college aid cuts.