On J-20, Assorted Protesters Will Be Rising Up -- and Then Partying DownBy Joel Achenbach
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, January 15, 2005; Page C01
They call it J-20, sort of like a military code name. They also call it a coronation. A charade. The Inaugural Charade.
They're very angry at the PIC (the Presidential Inaugural Committee), they're very angry at President Bush ("Kerry Won" says a bumper sticker handed out at a protest) and most of all, they're very exhilarated. It's not just a protest, it's the Counter-Inaugural! This is going to be huge! A paradox of protest is that it tends to put some folks in an excellent mood.
Counter-Inaugurals are inherently decentralized and chaotic, and it's impossible at this point to know where the serious action will be, whether it will get ugly, whether the die-ins will go off without a hitch, whether the presidential limo will get egged the way it did four years ago (a scene captured in "Fahrenheit 9/11"). The one certainty at this point is that there are a lot of earnest and energized people, espousing many causes but united in their opposition to the 43rd president and all he represents. There's a movement out there, and on J-20 it's coming to town.
It is important to note that there will also be thousands of people cheering for George W. Bush and Dick Cheney on Inauguration Day. The Texans will be stomping all over town in their big boots and cowboy hats. Swift boat veterans who torpedoed John Kerry will be honored in a reception after the parade. The Presidential Inaugural Committee has oodles of bleachers along the parade route. The Counter-Inaugural will be literally marginal. Literally edgy.
Then there's the Turn Your Back on Bush idea. Busloads of back-turners will come to Washington and attend the parade in "neutral" clothing (put those tie-dyed T-shirts away!), and then, suddenly, at a crucial moment, turn away from Bush. Give him the back.