in the Reza Pahlavi link. The pictures are all gone from the sites where I saw them but I KNOW I saw them cached somewhere recently. Will post when I find them.
I've been watching this one closely since Oct 92 & am reposting from an old post:<snip>
This column actually is about the work of Eleana Benador . She is one of those influential public relations folks who work behind the scenes, managing and massaging the media.
Eleana Benador runs a high-powered media relations and international Speakers bureau called Benador Associates. With offices in New York City, Paris, London, Madrid, and Geneva, she is a woman on a mission. The last time, and I must confess the first time, I heard about her activities was when Brian Whittaker, writing for Britain's The Guardian ("US think tanks give lessons in foreign policy"), described Benador's work promoting a gaggle of spokespeople that support Israel's objectives in the Middle East.
Whitaker's article painstakingly described the coterie of Middle East "experts" -- nurtured by several right-wing, and mostly Washington, DC-based think tanks -- who have come to dominate the public discourse over Middle East policy. <snip>
This domination has been aided and abetted by the work of Ms. Benador.
Ms. Benador represents a constellation of right-wing politicos and conservative think tankers including: Alexander M. Haig, Jr., -- former Secretary of State under Ronald Reagan who currently runs Worldwide Associates, Inc., a company that assists "corporations around the world in providing strategic advice on global political, economic, commercial and security matters"; James Woolsey, -- former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency for two years under Bill Clinton and one of the earliest of drum beaters for taking out Saddam Hussein; Richard Perle -- the neoconservative icon who is one of the chief architects of Bush's Middle East policy;Charles Krauthammer, -- a regular columnist with the Washington Post who is a "hawk's hawk"; Michael Ledeen -- currently occupying the Freedom Chair at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C.; Frank Gaffney -- founder and president of the Washington, DC-based Center for Security Policy and columnist with the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Washington Times; and Arnaud de Borchgrave -- Senior Adviser and Director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies and former editor-in-chief of the Washington Times.
((Now here's the interesting part))
Interlocking clients
The website run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq recently linked to photos of Benador that, said website contributor Drew Hamre, were "apparently taken at a meeting that included:
US Senator Joseph Lieberman... anti-Arab ideologue Daniel Pipes, and -- inexplicably -- Reza Pahlavi, the former Crown Prince of Iran. Adding absurdity to inexplicability," Hamre added, "the photos are posted on the vanity website of a Philadelphia-area realtor active in Middle East politics."
((Given Benador's role near the center of Perle's circle, one wonders about the implications of those photos- what is this? Is the RETURN OF THE SHAH Pt II?)
((More photos here
<huge snip>
A recent article in the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz will give you an idea of how incredibly tangled-up these people and issues are. Akiva Eldar's piece, "Perles of wisdom for the Feithful," reports that in 1996, Richard Perle (Benador client) and Doug Feith, currently the deputy defense minister and according to Eldar "the No. 3 person in the Pentagon's hierarchy," met at the request of Benjamin Netanyahu who was then taking "his first steps as prime minister." They prepared a report for the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, a think tank with offices in Washington, DC and Jerusalem.
Perle, Feith and several others "could not have known that four years later... the working paper they prepared, including plans for Israel to help restore the Hashemite throne in Iraq, would shed light on the current policies of the only superpower in the world," Eldar writes. The paper's major theme was assuring the security of Israel. One scenario advanced was to encourage "investment in Jordan to shift structurally Jordan's economy away from dependence on Iraq; and diverting Syria's attention by using Lebanese opposition elements to destabilize Syrian control of Lebanon." (For more on this, see here.)
Grand conspiracy? No. Megalomaniacal vision of unleashed U.S. power? You bet. Helping these Dr. Strangelovian characters get their message out? Ms. Eleana Benador of Benador Associates -- priceless.<1> Eleana Benador's website, client listing:<2> Former Iranian Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi's website:<3> Michael Ledeen's article about the Pahlavi groundswell:
Many of the total war and creative destruction crowd get their ideas across to the public through an agency called Benador Associates, which arranges their TV appearances and speaking engagements, and helps to place their articles in newspapers.
The agency, which has offices in New York, London and Paris, is run by Eleana Benador, a Peruvian-born linguist. Since I last wrote about Ms Benador (US thinktanks give lessons in foreign policy World dispatch, August 19 2002), her business seems to have expanded remarkably.
She has added 10 more "experts" to her list of clients and, on February 13, hosted a free lunch for a question and answer session with the Pentagon's leading hardline adviser, Richard Perle.
In addition, she has started a mailing service, through which subscribers receive, free of charge, up to six daily articles. Anyone who wishes to monitor the developing thoughts of America's neo-conservatives, and can resist being offended by the content, will find a subscription informative.
Ms Benador has been busy networking on the political-social circuit, too. Although details are scarce, the website of
Bob Guzzardi, a Pennsylvania property man and Israel enthusiast, shows photographs of a jolly party attended by Ms Benador along with Senator Joseph Lieberman, Representative Joseph Hoeffel, Daniel Pipes (the bete noire of American Muslims) and Reza Pahlavi, the pretender to the throne of Iran.
Note: Readers who like to keep an eye on such things should watch out for media appearances by any of the following Benador "experts": AM Rosenthal, Alexander M Haig Jr, Amir Taheri, Arnaud de Borchgrave, Azar Nafisi, Barry Rubin, Charles Jacobs, Charles Krauthammer, Fereydoun Hoveyda, Frank J Gaffney Jr, George Jonas, Hillel Fradkin, Ismail Cem, John Eibner, Kanan Makiya, Khalid Duran, Khidhir Hamza, Laurie Mylroie, Mansoor Ijaz, Martin Kramer, Max Boot, Meyrav Wurmser, Michael A Ledeen, Michael Rubin, Michel Gurfinkiel, Paul Marshall, R James Woolsey, Richard O Spertzel, Richard Perle, Richard Pipes, Ruth Wedgwood, Shaykh Kabbani, Stanley H Kaplan, Tashbih Sayyed, Tom Rose and Walid Phares. just looked at this Buzzardi fellow, and wish I had looked closer last year when I noticed the Lieberman link Chair: Interfaith Taskforce of America and Israel
Board Member: Zionist Organization of America
President’s Council: Republican Jewish Coalition
Supporter: SITE Institute
Senate Club: American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
Board: REACH Alliance
Member: Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA)
Board, Chair of Development Committee: Middle East Forum
Supporter: Mid-East Education Team (MEET)
Member: Greater Philadelphia Association of Realtors (GPAR)
Supporter: National Christian Leadership Conference for Israel (NCLCI)
Board: Commonwealth Foundation
Member: NY and NJ Political Action Committee (NORPAC)
Member: Beth Hamedrosh Synagogue
Member: Club for Growth
Supporter: Patriots for the Defense of Democracy
PA State Chair:
Board: East of Broad Improvement Association
Member: American-Jewish Congress
Supporter:Non-Profit Technology Resources
Supporter:Israel Resource Agency
Supporter: Discovery Institute
Member: Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA)
Supporter: Politically Active Physician's Association (PAPA)
He is
a proud member of the Club for Growth, as well as the Republican Jewish Coalition, and he's an enthusiastic supporter of the Democrats of Norristown. :shrug: Someone run that by me one more time because I'm just not getting how he can mix it all up loke that. Never mind. By "enthusiastic supporter of the Democrats", he's probably thinking of DLC/NDN/NDOL guys.