FUCK YOU GEORGE BUSH, YOU AWOL PIECE OF SHITThe Marine recruiter called on the phone yesterday looking for Junior, I , Senior got handed the phone and then realized it was the recruiter (for fifth or six time of them calling in last couple of months).
Next time they will be on my dime. My son don't want to join the military, he is way hip to the scam it has become. Us people who have already served need not reminisce, them days are gone and over.
I am in no way worried about my son joining anyway because when he decides something he never changes his mind. Unless mom or me inform him why has do something he won't as long he has decided not to. Him and his buddy are taking a college assessment test this Tuesday.
He is eighteen now, but mentally mature beyond his years. He seems a lot smarter than me or his grandpa. He also has got the skinny from me and grandpa about what military is all about. This happened because me and grandpa know all about it because we both served without being AWOL
FUCK YOU GEORGE BUSH, YOU AWOL PIECE OF SHITI also support and will get behind or in front for people like this :thumbsup:
Why I Refused a 2nd Deployment to IraqBy: Sgt. Kevin Benderman
First a brief forward from POAC co-editor Jack Dalton. I received an email a few moments ago from Kevin’s wife Monica. In it she has told me a total of 22 people in Sgt Benderman’s unit have refused to deploy to Iraq. 17 have gone AWOL and 2 have attempted suicide. The status of the remaining 3 is unknown at this time. We at the POAC fully support the decision to refuse deployment to Iraq which has been made by Sgt Benderman, and the others in his unit.
I am Sgt Kevin Benderman and:
These are the chronological events that led me to conclude that I had no other choice than to refuse the deployment order to Iraq.
I was deployed to Iraq in March 2003 and returned in September 2003; while I was there I was with the 1st Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division. We staged our vehicles in Kuwait and then proceeded to move out into Iraq. We were carried on the back of heavy equipment transporters to about fifty miles south of Baghdad and then we downloaded the vehicles. We were in the vehicles while they were on the trucks, which I thought was a little odd considering that in the garrison environment those types of actions are considered unsafe and are therefore not allowed.
During the road march north through the country I saw the effects of what war does to people, those effect are such; homes were bombed, people were living in mud huts, people were obtaining their drinking water from mud puddles along the side of the road and were catching rain in buckets when it did rain, they begged us for food and water and we had enough, we would share it with the people that were there, the kids looked especially hungry and thirsty. The commander told us to stop giving the people food because they would get food from other sources after the trucks started bringing in relief supplies.
Somewhere along the route there was this one woman standing along side the road with a young girl of about 8 or 9 years old and the little girl’s arm was burned all the way up her shoulder and I don’t mean just a little blistered, I mean she had 3rd degree burns the entire length of her arm and she crying in pain because of the burns. I asked the troop executive officer if we could stop and help the family and I was told that the medical supplies that we had were limited and that we may need them, I informed him that I would donate my share to that girl but we did not stop to help her.
http://www.oldamericancentury.org/voices_004.htmhttp://www.antiwar.com/FUCK YOU GEORGE BUSH, YOU AWOL PIECE OF SHIT