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Social Security Agency Is Enlisted to Push Its Own Revision

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pdxmom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-05 11:35 AM
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Social Security Agency Is Enlisted to Push Its Own Revision
Edited on Sun Jan-16-05 11:38 AM by pdxmom
"Over the objections of many of its own employees, the Social Security Administration is gearing up for a major effort to publicize the financial problems of Social Security and to convince the public that private accounts are needed as part of any solution."


"But agency employees have complained to Social Security officials that they are being conscripted into a political battle over the future of the program. They question the accuracy of recent statements by the agency, and they say that money from the Social Security trust fund should not be used for such advocacy."

This time, they're just going to be blatant about it. Nothing has happened in their past 3 misuses of tax money, so this time, they're going to raid the trust fund to pay for their propoganda.

I'm sick of this.
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KalicoKitty Donating Member (777 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-05 11:43 AM
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1. Bush Administration again using tax-payer dollars to propagandize.

Bush will launch a $40 million TV ad blitz to convince Americans that our grandkids will be left out in the cold if Social Security is NOT privatized.

Social Security Agency Is Enlisted to Push Its Own Revision

WASHINGTON, Jan. 15 - Over the objections of many of its own employees, the Social Security Administration is gearing up for a major effort to publicize the financial problems of Social Security and to convince the public that private accounts are needed as part of any solution.

Bush has wanted to dismantle Social Security from day one. He wants to cut benefits to future retirees by changing the way the benefits are calculated.

Instead of fairly matching Social Security benefits to changing wage levels, as has been the case for the past 30 years, Bush wants to suddenly shift course and tie Social Security to an inflation index. Since inflation grows at a much slower rate than wages, this proposal would significantly cut benefits for all working Americans. And these cuts are guaranteed, whether you opt in to the Bush plan or not!

Every American worker deserves a secure retirement and that the 69-year-old Social Security program, which offers retirement and disability income to more than 47 million Americans, is under attack by a moronic dictator.

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Moderator DU Moderator Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-05 11:46 AM
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2. duplicate topic, please discuss here
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