Dear Congresswoman, Maybe the stenography corp has not reported on the PNAC plan. But that does not mean that we, the people, have not found out a thing about it. This story is right out of the PNAC agenda, as in phase two. I wonder what pap, err propagan... err orwellian language will be told to the people to sell this new war? I wonder how many more of our young sons and daughters will die on foreign soil for the dream of domination of a few men. I wonder how long willl it take for the Democratic Party to finally realize, the government has been coopted by radicals... Anyway, if you have not read the PNAC plan, do yourself a favor and do such. Maybe then our future war with North Korea will not be too surprising. Nor will our attack on Europe, or the disolution of all alliances... or... WW III, which is what they want and what they need. After all what they want is world domination, pure and simple. Oh and as an aside, these operations are akin to a declaration of war on a sovereign state, not that International Law or standards matter to most people in Congress any more, regardless of so called party affiliation. Yes some of us are still smarting over the, we cannot pass a law forbiding torture. How long until that torture is used against US Citizens? Oh and will you allow Patriot II, III, IV et al? Have we indeed crossed the Rubicon?