From the new World Media Watch up now at at
5//The Toronto Star, Canada Jan. 16, 2005. 05:30 PM FEDS PONDER EASING KYOTO TARGETS FOR BIG POLLUTERS
From Canadian Press
OTTAWA — The federal cabinet is considering a proposal that would dramatically ease requirements for large industrial polluters to cut greenhouse gas emissions under Canada's climate change plan, The Canadian Press has learned.
The proposal comes as Ottawa struggles to chart a course toward the target set by the Kyoto accord — which calls for a six per cent cut in emissions from 1990 levels by 2010 — before the treaty legally comes into force on Feb. 16.
A Department of Natural Resources submission, marked "secret," would reduce the emission cuts required of so-called large final emitters to a fraction of what they were under a plan released in 2002.
Large emitters such as oil and gas producers, electricity stations, mines and manufacturers account for roughly half the country's emissions, far more than those produced by individuals through lifestyle choices.
Some say acceptance of the Natural Resources proposal would amount to an admission of failure, since it would be very difficult to find offsetting measures capable of filling the gap.
"I would say, if the government continues with this, it's clear they're contemplating deliberately failing to meet the Kyoto target," said Dale Marshall of the David Suzuki Foundation when the document was shown to him.