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WP: Rice Goes From the Inside to The Front

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kskiska Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-05 10:43 PM
Original message
WP: Rice Goes From the Inside to The Front
State Nominee May Face Tough Transition

Monday, January 17, 2005; Page A01

National security adviser Condoleezza Rice flew into Jerusalem on June 28, 2003, and immediately rushed to a meeting on the West Bank with Palestinian officials. During the session at a Jericho hotel, a rapt Rice watched a flashy PowerPoint presentation on a security fence being built by the Israelis that had begun to encroach on Palestinian lands.

The report showed a concrete wall dividing the homes of Palestinian farmers from their fields and depicted a proposed route that would leave most of the Palestinians inside the fenced areas but 91 percent of the West Bank settlements outside.

The security barrier had not been a major factor in U.S.-Israeli relations. But the next day, Rice -- who grew up in the segregated South -- met with the cabinet of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and shocked the officials by confronting them over the barrier's proposed route. She asked Sharon to redraw it in a way that showed greater sensitivity to Palestinians.

The incident offers insights into Rice's style as she prepares for confirmation hearings tomorrow to replace Colin L. Powell as secretary of state. If confirmed, Rice would move from inside the White House to chief spokesman for U.S. foreign policy.

Although she made frequent television appearances to promote the administration's agenda, she has largely operated behind the scenes in the first term and made few solo trips overseas, receiving mixed reviews for her management of the clash of personalities and ideologies of Bush's top foreign policy advisers.

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wtmusic Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-05 11:01 PM
Response to Original message
1. She's toast
Not in the Bushco Fascism playbook. She can join O'Neill and Clarke in the Sore Loser's Club.
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-05 11:06 PM
Response to Original message
2. I don't know but this article sounds like a "rehab" of Rice into a kinder
Edited on Sun Jan-16-05 11:07 PM by KoKo01
gentler person who remembers her youth... Article sounds like she tried to tell Sharon to "redraw" the wall to be more inclusive remembering the "segregated South."

But,what we've seen of Condi...I think she grew up White and had a more privileged youth than she lets on. But, then WaPo is always rehabing someone in the Bush administration. :eyes:
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Magmadona Donating Member (31 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-16-05 11:33 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Yeapers
This is what I call a pity party and no one cares to be invited.

I'm a Black male, and I've got grand parents who went through the same shit but never ever did they grow up to think that world domination while spreading racism among nations would lead to equality and "order" back home. Who ever wrote this article must really want to change Rice from a toad
to a swan.
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NYC Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 05:57 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. Well stated.
You hit the nail on the head.

The toad remains a toad.
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newyawker99 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 10:48 AM
Response to Reply #3
7. Hi Magmadona!!
Welcome to DU!! :toast:
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Supersedeas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 09:18 AM
Response to Reply #2
6. Yep, more Spinnoganda: 'redrawing' is not the same as OPPOSING
Edited on Mon Jan-17-05 09:22 AM by Supersedeas
But don't you love how the WhoringtonPost gets all NOSTALGIC about Condi's YOUTH. Is that 'reporting' or 'spinning'?

Say, did you hear that Ms. Condi has a confirmation hearing soon--that's makes the WhoringtonPost penchant for NOSTALGIA all the more

Surely, it is only coincidence.
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Matilda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 06:11 AM
Response to Original message
5. I'd be impressed
if she told him to stop right there, and be prepared to discuss
pulling it down once final agreement on a Palestinian State has
been negotiated.
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Magmadona Donating Member (31 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 12:31 PM
Response to Reply #5
8. I'm not holding my breath.
The peace process is not going go very far as long as we're involved.

Just watch either Abbas is gonna die or his support among the people will go down very Sodom.


Thanks for the welcome, I'm here in Richmond VA trapped in the village hopefully if I'm lucky I can get in Lowes get my hammer and get out
before seeing another magical bumper sticker.

"I Have a dream (Insert confederate flag on top of the Whitehorse)"

Yes these people had a bumper sticker just like that yesterday.
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Supersedeas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 01:18 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. one wonders if the WH invitation to Abbas is still open
another warm welcome to you, Magmadona
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newscott Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-17-05 01:50 PM
Response to Original message
10. Yeah, I really like Condi's style!!!
I mean after dropping the ball completely on 9/11, her "area of expertise" after all, she proudly proclaims, "who'd a thunk?" Anywhere else, she loses her job. Not in this administration, though. She gets a promotion.
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