Edited on Mon Sep-15-03 10:03 PM by InkAddict
Course, nobody asked me! $.02
Edit: Sorry bad link removed; earlier response to thread in Economic Forum.
In addition, I propose : a new selective tax be implemented immediately on the earned and unearned income of current US government officials to include Selected, VP-Crash-cart, appointed Cabinet members and WH staff members, and all voting members of Congress, both Repukes/Dems, for the rest of their bloody lives, who supported, participated, and voted to hand over their constitutional duties on behalf and in the service of that padded-crotchety Commander-in-Thief moron! (Please note, that while the Office of Presidency is to be respected, I believe that the previous one eliminated the obligation of requisite respect to the person holding that position - the difference being personal lies that were merely entertaining to our purient voyeurism versus (inter)national lies that led us to war without consensus).
Proceeds of said tax shall be placed in a perpetual irrevocable trust, under UN fiduciary control, for the benefit of the Iraqi people, the interest of which shall be payable once a new government has been founded by constitution and a minimum of five years of elections have produced an autonomous Iraqi nation, at the request of the Head of State, as a supplement to their budget in support of housing, health, education, environment, of the Iraqui people. The interest shall be paid as one amount, as requested, yearly by the Iraqi Head of State, and the payment shall be accompanied by a letter of sincere apology from those taxpayers yet alive and being assessed, along with a reminder that Iraqi liberation/democracy wasn't free, and they should use this token of atonement wisely and be ever vigilent in monitoring their freedoms in the future so that, early on, leaders who usurp power and liberties and commit crimes against the people of Iraq, can be removed, democratically of course.
It might be a drop in the bucket, but it would be something, after American military is withdrawn, and once global bidding contracts to rebuild are fairly let to rebuild what our bombs have destroyed and for allowing rumor, lies, and Special Interest White Papers to influence America's actions.
Oh well, one can dream that it's a perfect world - until OSAMA and HUSSEIN are apprehended and meet their fate.
:P - Sticking out my tongue