Fetal homicide bill sparks abortion debatePosted at 12:30 p.m. January 18
By SARAH COOKE Associated Press Writer
HELENA - A bill that would criminalize killing or injuring a fetus sparked a fierce debate over abortion at a legislative hearing Tuesday, despite assertions by its sponsor that it had nothing to do with terminating a pregnancy.
Rep. Penny Morgan, R-Billings, said her bill was meant to address violence against pregnant women and get justice for the unborn children harmed or killed in the process, such as in the Laci Peterson case in California.
"This is a bigger problem than people have ever realized," she told the House Judiciary Committee.
Opponents called her House Bill 231 a thinly veiled attempt at criminalizing abortion and argued for less complicated options, such as penalty enhancements for crimes against pregnant women, to address the issue.
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