This is how they "correct" the tax code -- attempting to shut down indie film production it the U.S!
Congress likely to take back indie pix tax break
Staff members claim 'oversights' need to be 'corrected' By WILLIAM TRIPLETT
WASHINGTON -- Possibly as soon as next month, Congress will consider dramatically reducing two key provisions that independent film producers hailed as major victories in last year's corporate tax bill.
After years of lobbying, indies rejoiced upon learning in October that President Bush had signed the bill, which included a sweeping tax break for filmmakers and an incentive for financiers to invest in indie films. But congressional staff members now say the two provisions appear to be "oversights" that should be "corrected."
As written, the provisions allow producers of films with budgets under $15 million and their investors to deduct their costs or investment in a single year -- as opposed to depreciating it over several, which the tax code previously required. If the film is eventually sold, the provisions also allow investors to be taxed on profits at the capital gains tax rate, which is significantly lower than the personal income tax rate.
Because of these allowances, investors were guaranteed to make a profit even if the film sale only broke even. For example, a $10 million investment, deducted in one year, yields a $3.5 million savings on taxes (based on a 35% tax rate). The net outlay is thus $6.5 million. If the film is later sold for $10 million, breaking even, the investor pays only a capital gains tax rate of 15% (vs. the normal 35%), walking away with $8.5 million -- $2 million more than his $6.5 million outlay. And if the film is sold for a higher amount, the investor would still be taxed at the capital gains rate.
"This was a bona-fide tax subsidy to encourage film financing in the U.S.," said Schuyler Moore, an entertainment industry tax expert. "It's very hard to raise money for these films, and this is just what was needed." But Moore said he recently learned that Congress' Joint Committee on Taxation believes the provision was unintended, and that profits should be taxed at 35%, the normal income tax rate for million-dollar sums. "If that happens, they will eliminate the tax-savings incentive for raising money," Moore said.
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