WASHINGTON (AP) -- Democrats hammered Secretary of State-designate Condoleezza Rice on Wednesday, pressing her to acknowledge misleading the American people on reasons for going to war with Iraq. But her approval by the Senate appeared secure.
Rice insisted that Saddam Hussein was a dictator who refused to account for weapons of mass destruction. And it was impossible to change the nature of a terror threat in the Middle East with him leading Iraq, she testified.
But Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., would not be shaken off, even after Rice acknowledged to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that "there were some bad decisions" taken by the Bush administration on Iraq.
Sen. Joseph Biden, ranking Democrat on committee, challenged Rice to acknowledge administration mistakes on Iraq and said he would vote for her confirmation, but only with "some frustration and reservation."
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A20535-2005Jan19.html?nav=rss_politicsRice Acknowledges Some Bad Iraq DecisionsWASHINGTON (Reuters) - Secretary of State-designate Condoleezza Rice said on Wednesday the Bush administration made some bad decisions in Iraq and was unprepared for stabilizing the country in a rare acknowledgment of mistakes.
But Democrats complained the Republican President Bush's administration was unwilling to learn from its mistakes to change policies in Iraq, be candid about the cost of continued deployment and develop a better exit strategy.
"We have made a lot of decisions in this period of time. Some of them have been good, some of them have not been good, some of them have been bad decisions, I am sure," Rice told the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
"We didn't have the right skills, the right capacity, to deal with a reconstruction effort of this kind," she said on the second day of hearings on her confirmation, which is expected to be easily approved by the Republican-led Senate.