a Marine combat veteran who served honorably in Iraq speaks against the war, word gets out almost as quick as rifle fire.
Hence Andrew VanDenBergh, 22, South Bend, was recruited -- yes, peace activists recruit, too -- to address today's 11:30 a.m. counterinauguration rally Downtown at Monument Circle. The event, sponsored by the Indianapolis Peace and Justice Center, coincides with President Bush taking his oath of office in Washington. snip
Tough as that may be -- this is Bush country -- the assignment does not approach what he and buddies have been through in Iraq. Repeating a demoralizing theme, VanDenBergh says the U.S. war effort is seriously imperiled by the lack of proper armor for Marines and Humvees. The result can be a death sentence, he says -- something he witnessed too often.
This is coming from a Marine loyalist who states up front that he is not a pacifist. "I believe in the right to self-defense. Some things are worth fighting for."