,1299,DRMN_63_3485711,00.htmlAs if the CIA weren't already dodging enough bullets, now former spy Lindsay Moran is firing a few of her own.
A Fulbright scholar who graduated from Harvard, Moran was a case officer for the government agency from 1998 to 2003. While training near Williamsburg, Va., and recruiting intelligence sources in Macedonia, she also was gathering fodder for her memoirs, Blowing My Cover: My Life as a CIA Spy and Other Misadventures. snip
"I wanted out of the Agency for a number of reasons, not least of which was my conviction that invading Iraq was one of the most misguided courses of action our country could follow," she writes.
"The war, and the CIA's role in bringing it about, seemed to me a disgracefully concocted diversion, intended to obscure the fact that we still hadn't caught Usama bin Laden and that, truth be told, we'd accomplished little in our efforts to eradicate the terrorist networks that had caused September 11 in the first place. . . .