WASHINGTON -- The government has ended grant programs that has provided more than $1.2 million a year since 2002 for two homeland security organizations that distribute information about potential threats to oil and gas and public transit companies.
The information sharing and analysis centers were set up to protect energy and bus, rail and ferry systems.
The warning center for the public transit industry, which serves more than 130 companies and organizations, risks shutting down as early as next month because the Federal Transit Authority did not renew its $1.2 million, two-year federal grant.
In each case, the Homeland Security Department encouraged the industry centers to join for free its new Homeland Security Information Network, which distributes government alerts among corporations, trade groups and others.
Some officials said they worried that participation in the federal network could discourage companies from sharing sensitive details among themselves about threats they would prefer to keep from the government. http://www.newsday.com/news/politics/wire/sns-ap-homeland-security-warnings,0,6458773.story?coll=sns-ap-politics-headlinesWhat kind of "threats" should be kept secret?