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Judi Lynn
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Tue Sep-16-03 01:05 PM Original message |
GOP fund paid for Dolan's trip from Cuba (Missouri's New CCW Law) |
Edited on Tue Sep-16-03 01:48 PM by JudiLyn
GOP fund paid for Dolan's trip from Cuba
By Jo Mannies and Philip Dine Post-Dispatch 09/16/2003 Top Senate Republicans arranged and paid for the travel for state Sen. Jon Dolan, who flew from Cuba to Jefferson City last week to cast crucial votes to override Gov. Bob Holden's vetoes. Dolan's travel expenses - which included chartering a private jet - came to almost $8,200 and were handled by aides to state Senate President Pro Tem Peter Kinder, R-Cape Girardeau. The total bill was paid by the Senate Majority Fund, a campaign committee set up to handle various expenses for the Legislature's Republican leaders. Kinder's staff began working on travel arrangements for Dolan weeks ago, even before he left for Cuba for Army National Guard duty. On Aug. 26, Kinder's office got formal approval from the state Ethics Commission to use the Majority Fund to pay Dolan's travel bills. On edit: (snip) Davis, Kinder's chief of staff, said he chartered the Chesterfield-based private jet that flew Dolan from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., to Jefferson City late Wednesday. The charter cost $7,500. Davis said a check was sent by FedEx to the firm as soon as Dolan confirmed to him on Sept. 8 that his leave was being granted. Davis also paid for Dolan's commercial plane tickets for the other legs of the trip to and from Cuba. (snip/...) ~~~~ link ~~~~ |
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Judi Lynn
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Tue Sep-16-03 02:11 PM Response to Original message |
1. Hoping someone sees this story |
I don't think Democrats would do this, am I wrong?
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Tue Sep-16-03 02:23 PM Response to Original message |
2. what bothers me is that he was granted leave to vote |
now if he wasn't a politician, and a Repuke to boot, would he have been granted leave to take care of other business matters
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Tue Sep-16-03 02:33 PM Response to Original message |
3. And the sad thing about all of this |
Is that the one who started pulling the strings to illegally(in my opinion) bring him back to vote was that "wonderful" Democrat, Harold Volkmer. Thought it was his duty, since he has been a stooge for the gun lobbies all of his political life.
Once again we see an underhanded ploy to help subvert the will of the people. For you non Missourians, we voted down CCW in an initiative petition vote four years ago. |
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Tue Sep-16-03 02:51 PM Response to Original message |
4. I am Speechless |
...having read this morning that troops will be in Iraq for a year or year and a half - and have 2 weeks leave to come home but must pay their own way around the world.
Bet there is many a "regular Missouri man" serving in Iraq that would have loved to come home to watch the birth of his baby. And what about those "regular Missouri women" serving in Iraq who missed the funeral of their parent or loved one? The regular troops and their families must sacrifice for the good of the country. Not the "special people" though - no sacrifice there. Wonder who influenced stationing Dolan in Cuba rather than Iraq so it was feasibly possible to bring him home. Remember folks, republicans will do ANYTHING to win. |
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Tue Sep-16-03 04:02 PM Response to Original message |
5. Three DINOS voted for the concealed weapons bill... |
without those "Dem" votes, the veto would not have been overridden.
My e-mail reply to missouridems.org: Since you couldn't stop the concealed weapons bill from passing, the hell with you. Fuck the Democrats who voted for it, and fuck the Missouri Democratic party. Take me off your mailing list. ----- Original Message ----- From: To: missouridems_list@capwiz.mailmanager.net Sent: 9/15/2003 6:44:53 PM Subject: Special Session Edition -- MDP Hotline Check Out Our Website!! We are currently redesigning our website and have many new exciting tools to offer Democrats. Go to, http://www.missouridems.org/ Check Out Our Action Center!! Governor Holden continues his fight for education, and has called a Special Session to ask the Legislature to close tax breaks for corporations to raise more money for schools. Click here to take action by writing a letter to your local media. Check Out Our News Center!! We've updated our web site to include relevant news stories, a series of GOP reality vs. rhetoric pieces, key special reports detailing the facts behind the GOP's assault on America and Missouri, and "What People are Saying" a document of the good press the Governor and the Democrats are receiving statewide. Click here for our News Center. Sign Up for Our Email List!! Stay in the know, and help support those who are fighting for your values. Click here to sign up. Join Our E-Advocacy Network Today Click here and learn how to support Missouri Democrats. We are currently redesigning our website, and have many new exciting tools for those who wish to be active Democrats. Friday, September 12, 2003 Dear Democrat, Welcome to this week’s edition of the MDP Hotline. It’s been quite a week in Jefferson City, as Republicans were able to muster up enough muscle to override three of Governor Holden’s vetoes out of more than 30 – but they had to pull strings and get a Republican senator sprung from National Guard duty to get it done. It was a shameless disregard for the fighting men and women who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan for upward to a year without leave – especially when you consider this particular senator had been on duty for less than two weeks when he mysteriously scored a six-day pass. During the Special Session Governor Holden called to coincide with the Veto Session, lawmakers were again asked to restore some of the massive cuts they inflicted on elementary and secondary education. Specifically, Governor Holden asked lawmakers to close four corporate tax loopholes that would have raised $44 million this year and $80 million next year. Declaring themselves co-emperors of Missouri, Speaker of the House Catherine Hanaway and Senate President Pro-Tem Peter Kinder refused to allow debate on the two issues. On the national front, the Tobacco Road that runs by the Blunt family front door got another off ramp, as a prominent tobacco company lobbyist was reassigned due to her "romantic link" with Southwest Missouri Congressman Roy Blunt. This all brings rise to the question – how much money an influence did this relationship buy, considering Congressman Blunt has been a champion of tobacco legislation in the nation’s capital, and son Secretary of State Matt Blunt tried to keep a ballot issue for a tobacco tax from going to the voters. And through it all, tobacco giant Philip Morris has kicked in more than $150,000 to Blunt family campaigns – and even hired another of the Blunt brothers, Andy, as a Jefferson City lobbyist. And Republican U.S. Senator Christopher "Kit" Bond once again thumbed his nose at working families by voting to make 8 million Americans ineligible for overtime pay. All this – and more – in this week’s edition of the MDP Hotline! 'Dolan' out political favors Republicans have a proven track record of, when the rules don’t suit them – change the rules. This trend began with a Republican president who was elected in spite of getting fewer votes than the Democratic nominee – and some obvious voting irregularities in Florida, where the governor happens to be the Republican candidate’s brother. Then there is Texas, where the new Congressional districts didn’t yield the result they wanted – so now they are trying to redraw the lines to get six more Republican congressman. And let us not forget California, where the GOP didn’t like the way the governor’s race turned out – so they launched a recall election. Enter the latest episode: Missouri Republicans, short on votes to override vetoes by Governor Bob Holden, sprung Senator Jon Dolan, R-Lake St. Louis, from his National Guard assignment so he could come back in vote – in spite of the fact that he had been on active duty for less than two weeks. And now, it appears he’s in hot water with the United State’s Army and the U.S. Department of Defense for violating military rules. Senator Dolan had been serving in the Army National Guard in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for less than two weeks, but mysteriously arranged a six day pass when it appeared Senate Republicans didn’t have the votes to override the governor’s veto of two GOP agenda items. "Thousands of American troops, both active duty and reserves, have served honorably in Afghanistan and Iraq. They’ve been away from their families for months, even as much as a year without a hint of leave," said Michael Kelley, spokesman for the Missouri Democratic Party. "For an elected official to get special leave for purely political reasons is a slap in the face to those brave men and women who continue to serve without question." The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that Lt. Col. Pamela Hart, Dolan’s superior officer, said the situation regarding the issuance of Dolan’s pass was "not something that happens often…I have never seen it happen." She further said: "It is a one-time request. It will not happen again, I can assure you of that." A spokesman for Senate Christopher "Kit" Bond, a Republican, told the Post-Dispatch and the Los Angeles Times GOP leaders had asked him to intervene on Dolan’s behalf, but he declined. But that begs the question, Kelley said, as to whom else was asked – and did one of them agree to help. "It’s not a question of 'if' somebody used political influence to get Senator Dolan out of his National Guard duty, but 'who,'" Kelley said. "If they asked on U.S. Senator, surely others were asked as well. Was it (Congressman) Roy Blunt? Was it (White House adviser) Karl Rove? There are some questions here that need to be answered." Meanwhile, the Post-Dispatch reports that even before casting his vote, Senator Dolan was informed by a superior officer that he would be violating military rules. On Thursday morning before the vote, the adjutant general of the Missouri National Guard told him of a Pentagon directive that someone holding a public office and deployed for more than 270 days is not allowed to carry out duties of elected office. Dolan was deployed "for a period not to exceed 365 days." Dolan told the Post-Dispatch: "I told him, 'I find your interpretation is incorrect, sir, and I’m moving forward.'" Apparently the Pentagon disagrees. The rule was set up to separate politics from the military, and Department of Defense officials say the case "is being looked into by the proper authorities." Click here to read the full story. Republicans ‘Just Say No’ to school funding in Special Session GOP leaders adjourned the Special Session of the Missouri General Assembly last week after refusing to even allow new funding measures for public education to even come up for debate. "The Speaker of the House and President Pro-Tem of the Senate have basically turned Missouri government into a two-headed dictatorship, with Catherine Hanaway and Peter Kinder at the helm," said Mike Kelley, spokesman for the Missouri Democratic Party. "Our schools are being decimated by their cuts to education. Teaching positions are being slashed, programs are being cut. And (Kinder and Hanaway) won’t even allow alternatives to be discussed." Governor Bob Holden called House and Senate members into Special Session last week, which coincided with the annual Veto Session. He asked legislators to consider four minor changes in tax law, with the benefits to be used for public education. Those four provisions are: Close the loophole that allows out-of-state corporations to establish a headquarters outside of Missouri, compete with our businesses here, but pay no taxes. Eliminate the sales tax exemption for yachts and luxury boats. End the practice that allows retailers who overcharge their customers for sales tax to keep the overage. End the practice of allowing businesses to get a “refund” when they pay their payroll taxes on time, and pay the proper amount. Since the GOP took control of the Missouri House, funding for elementary and secondary education in the state has been reduced by $340 million. Possible solutions suggested by Republican leaders includes consolidation of smaller school districts, and raising of local property taxes – taxes that working families and senior citizens can ill afford. "These four proposals would have allowed additional funding for our schools without a tax increase," Kelley said. "But because it would have ended a windfall for big Republican campaign contributors, leadership wouldn’t even consider it. This frustrates and disappoints me. I hope they come to their senses before it’s too late." Tobacco, Inc.: The Blunt Family side business The money and influence trail leading from Secretary of State Matt Blunt to Congressman Roy Blunt to tobacco giant Philip Morris has taken another turn, as a tobacco company lobbyist has been reassigned due to "romantic ties" with Congressman Blunt, according to the Washington Post . Tuesday, the Post reported that Abigail Perlman, head of governmental affairs for Altria Corp. – parent company of tobacco giant Philip Morris – will no longer lobby House leaders in Washington. The Post reports that Perlman’s relationship with Congressman Blunt became controversial in June, when it was reported Blunt tried to slip language aiding Philip Morris into a homeland security bill. The development was the latest in an unraveling scandal involving campaign cash, influence, and personal relationships stretching from Southwest Missouri to Washington, D.C., and back to the state capital in Jefferson City. Reports from the Federal Election Commission and the Missouri Ethics Commission show that the money trail from Philip Morris and other big Roy Blunt contributors ultimately ended up in the campaign war chest of Secretary of State Matt Blunt. Many of these same contributors also hired Andy Blunt, another son of the congressman, to lucrative "lobbying" contracts in Jefferson City, in spite of the fact that he only held a law license for a few months when they signed him up. Campaign finance reports show that on numerous occasions, and within a few days of each other, Roy Blunt would receive a significant campaign donation from Philip Morris or another big supporter, would immediately donate the money to another campaign account under his control, which would in turn donate to Matt Blunt’s campaign account – effectively obscuring the original contributor. Interestingly, the same individual served as treasurer of all four campaign accounts involved: Friends of Roy Blunt; Rely On Your Beliefs (ROY-B); Seventh Congressional District Campaign Committee; and Friends of Matt Blunt. Matt Blunt banked $60,000 in funds that passed through his father’s campaign accounts. He has banked an additional $11,000 from the clients of his brother. "This episode with Ms. Perlman brings up two important questions," said Michael Kelley, spokesman for the Missouri Democratic Party. "First of all, when did this relationship begin, and second, what matters passed between Philip Morris and the Blunt family during that time." Specifically, Kelley noted more than $150,000 in Philip Morris campaign contributions, the company hiring Andy Blunt as a Jefferson City lobbyist, Roy Blunt advocating legislation favorable to PM, and Matt Blunt, in his official capacity as Secretary of State, attempting to keep a proposal for a tobacco tax off the General Election ballot – an action that was overturned by a circuit judge. "Missourians deserve to know how much money and relationships can buy," Kelley said. Bond snubs working families; tries to deny overtime pay In an assault on working families, GOP Sen. Kit Bond voted Wednesday to cut overtime pay for more than 8 million workers nationwide. State Treasurer Nancy Farmer, the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate next year, blasted Bond for his vote which will hurt thousands of Missouri workers by taking a direct bite out of their paychecks in these tough economic times. "Senator Bond is out of touch with Missouri values. When he had the opportunity to stand up for Missouri workers who are struggling to make ends meet he sided with the corporate special interests," said Farmer. "In Missouri, we value fair pay for hard work. Senator Bond values cheap labor for corporate gain. "Missouri has lost 102,000 jobs since Bush took office in 2001. Not only does Senator Bond refuse to stand up to this president to save Missouri jobs, now he’s voting to slash the paychecks of those who still have work. If Senator Bond won't fight for Missouri's working families, I surely will." The U.S. Senate voted last week on an amendment to block the Bush administration from adopting a rule to cut overtime pay. The amendment passed by a vote of 54-45. Bond voted against the amendment, a vote in support of the Bush plan to cut overtime pay. Bush’s Labor Department proposed a rule in March, set to take effect early next year, which would change the criteria used to determine what jobs are eligible for overtime under the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act. The proposal will take effect unless a law is enacted to stop it. The rule would eliminate the standard 40-hour workweek and would allow corporations broad discretion to cut overtime pay by eliminating it for anyone an employer labels as having a "position of responsibility." Studies by the AFL-CIO estimate that the number of workers affected would quickly grow to over 8 million as employers begin to schedule workers for over 40 hours per week under the new rule. Chair's Corner You’re state party is moving onward and upward – toward victory in 2004! It has certainly been an interesting summer, especially for a non-election year. We’ve had three special sessions of the Missouri Legislature, with Democrats fighting in the trenches for education. We just finished a highly-contentious Veto Session. And Missouri has a top contender for President of the United States. And even though it’s not quite as high in profile, the Missouri Democratic Party has relocated to better serve Democrats and Democratic candidates, with the ultimate goal of reclaiming the majority in the Missouri House and Senate, retaking the White House, and retaining the Governor’s Mansion for the Democratic Party. Those of you who had visited our old offices on High Street in Jefferson City might recall the rather odd configuration of the space, making it difficult to establish work stations. There was very little space for storage or personnel. Well, now all of that has changed. A few weeks ago the Missouri Democratic Party relocated its offices to 208 Madison, next to the Governor Office Building (formerly the Governor Hotel). With a location closer to the State Capitol, we now have a better opportunity to serve our Democratic officeholders. And with more space, we will have the ability to present a more professional appearance, and will be able to bring all campaign-oriented party staff under one roof, including the House and Senate campaign committees. Now that the boxes are unpacked and the furniture has been moved, we would like to show off our new operation during an official ribbon cutting next week. The ribbon cutting is scheduled to coincide with the quarterly Democratic State Committee meeting on Sept. 20, and will be followed with a tailgate barbeque and the Mizzou versus Middle Tennessee State football game in Columbia. Our grand opening will begin at 9 a.m., with the state committee meeting beginning at 10 a.m. and office tours and a ribbon cutting at 10:30 a.m. Governor Bob Holden will attend the meeting. The MDP tailgate barbeque will begin at 11 a.m. in Columbia, follow by the football game. If you are interested in attending, the cost for the tailgate barbeque is $10. The football game and the barbeque together is $25. If you are interested, please RSVP by Tuesday; if you have any questions, call Angie Robinson at (573) 636-5241. Fall is right around the corner – time for food, football, and laying the groundwork for a Democratic victory in 2004! Hope to see you Saturday, September 20th. Sincerely, May May Scheve Chair, Missouri Democratic Party MDP Calendar September September 15 Andrew County Democratic Central Committee Meeting - 7 p.m. Location: Savannah - Andrew County Courthouse Contact: Katherine Thompson 816-324-3238 September 16 Adair County Democratic Club Meeting - 7 p.m. September 16 Scotland County Democratic Central Committee Meeting - 7 p.m. Location: Memphis - Social Restaurant Contact: Lee Ann Russell frussell@nemr.net September 16 Marion County Democratic Central Committee Meeting 7p.m. Location: Palmyra - Marion County Courthouse Contact: Jim Browning 573-769-4451 September 16 Ste. Genevieve County Democratic Club Meeting - 7 p.m. Location: Ste. Genevieve - United Steelworkers Hall Contact: Bob Nugent 573-483-2167 September 17 Northland Democratic Club Meeting - 7 p.m. Location: Gladstone - Gladstone Community Center Contact: hunleythree@juno.com September 18 Platte County Democratic Central Committee Meeting - 7 p.m. Location: Platte City - Platte County Courthouse Administration Building Contact: Norm Ellis September 18 Phelps County Democratic Central Committee Meeting - 7 p.m. Location: Rolla - Phelps County Courthouse Contact: Lawrence Christenson 573-364-7906 September 18 St. Louis County Democratic Central Committee Meeting - 7:30 p.m. Gas Workers Hall - 7750 Olive Street Contact: Loraine Miller 636-391-9230 September 20 State Committee Meeting - 10 a.m. Location: Jefferson City, Coffee House Cafe, 200 Madison Contact: Angie Robinson 573-636-5241 September 20 MDP Tailgate & MU Garme - 11 a.m. Location: Columbia, Reactor Field Tailgate Tickets, $10 per person. Tailgate and Game: $25 per person Contact: Angie Robinson 573-636-5241 September 20 Butler County Truman Day Rally - 6 p.m. Location: Poplar Bluff - Elk's Lodge -- Highway 67 North Keynote Speaker: Governor Bob Holden Contact: Irma Brannum 573-686-9405 September 28 Larry Flinn Grassroots Picnic and 50th Year Anniversary- 12:00-5:00 p.m. Location: City of Overland Woodson Park, Woodson Rd south of Page Contact: Marilyn Strothcamp, 314-427-0797 or midlanddemocrats@sbcglobal.net October October 11 Camden County Democrat Club Chili Supper - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Location: Greenview Bank, Intersection of Highways 5 and 7 Contact: Greg Williams, gregwms@charterinternet.com October 25 St. Louis County Democratic Central Committee Trivia Night - Door open at 6:30 p.m. Trivia begins at 7:15 p.m. Location: IBEW Hall 5850 Elizabeth $100 per table, 8 person maximum, cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Soft drinks and snacks provided Contact: Burton Boxerman 314-994-9133 or babox@mindspring.com Paid for by the Missouri Democratic Party Mike Kelley Treasurer P.O. Box 719 419 East High Street Jefferson City, MO 65102 Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee. |
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