By Severin Carrell
23 January 2005
At least 20 British soldiers are now facing prosecution after coming under "significant suspicion" of involvement in the "deliberate" abuse of Iraqi civilians, The Independent on Sunday can reveal.
The figure is contained in responses by the Ministry of Defence to detailed questions from the IoS. These also reveal that the total number of cases involving alleged abuse and negligence by British forces in Iraq has gone up from 12 to 16, and include two previously undisclosed cases against Royal Air Force personnel.
The new cases led last night to fresh demands from Labour and opposition MPs for an independent inquiry into the abuse allegations.
Meanwhile, another Iraqi civilian has accused British troops of deliberately torturing and assaulting him in August 2002. Muhanned Dhahir Abdullah claims he was forced to lean over an open toilet and then kicked and punched. He alleges he was also hooded, forced to drink urine, soaked with hot water and fluorescent chemicals, made to clean out latrines with his bare hands, and told to "dance like Michael Jackson"."dance like Michael Jackson": Did he mean:
