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German far right condemned for ignoring Nazi role

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NNN0LHI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 02:10 PM
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German far right condemned for ignoring Nazi role

BERLIN (Reuters) - A German far-right party has provoked outrage and calls that it be banned after it refused to take part in
a minute's silence for Nazi victims and referred to wartime Allied bombing of Germany as a holocaust.

Mainstream politicians and Jewish leaders condemned the National Democratic Party (NPD) at the weekend after its 12
representatives in the Saxony state parliament staged a walkout on Friday, saying they would only remember German

One NPD member later described Dresden's wartime destruction by the Allies as a "bombing holocaust".

Klaus Uwe Benneter, the general-secretary of the ruling Social Democrats (SPD), urged all democratic parties to unite
against the far right, while senior conservative Wolfgang Bosbach said he feared for Germany's reputation.


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phusion Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 02:23 PM
Response to Original message
1. Dresden was horrible...
The fire-bombings in Dresden killed something like 30,000 civilians in two days. We did the same thing in Japan before the atomic bombs dropped, killing thousands of more civilians.

While I don't agree with the NPD for not honoring the Holocaust victims, they are right in that civilian victims from both sides of WWII need to be remembered.

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htuttle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-23-05 02:26 PM
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2. The American Right needs to do the same
Edited on Sun Jan-23-05 02:30 PM by htuttle
Ever meet a 'former member of the German-American Bund'? Me neither, and I used to live in Milwaukee.

After the war started, it's as if all it's tens of thousands of members vanished. They didn't, of course -- they went right back to their places of power in our society. They never, ever apologized, or even acknowledged, their critical financial support of Hitler's rise to power. It's just one of many dark scars our society has yet to deal with.

German American Bund Rally, 1939
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