,13319,FL_vote_012505,00.html?ESRC=eb.nlAssociated Press
January 25, 2005
ISKANDARIYAH, Iraq - The U.S. military's most critical operation since the capture of Saddam Hussein is putting boat patrols on the Euphrates River, tanks on strategic routes and warplanes overhead in a mission tens of thousands of troops strong: ensuring a credible, Iraqi-run national election.
The run-up to Sunday's vote is pressing every available American service member into action in most of Iraq - assisting an Iraqi-ordered nationwide ban on traffic from Saturday to Monday to block car bombs and other attacks on election targets; and preparing to respond to any Iraqi request for help repelling assaults or tending casualties.
The election plan puts the might of the U.S. military in a full-force back-up role. U.S. forces are funneling stepped-up training, hundreds of fixed barricades and miles of razor wire, weapons, body armor, communication systems, generators and the fuel to run them, and even water and meals-ready-to-eat rations to Iraqi police and troops charged with the front-line defense of polling sites. <more>
Too bad nobody protected ours.