This from
Buzzflash. It's a great read!
A few days ago, during an interview, I was asked to provide comments regarding the IG's Report into my allegations, and I was asked whether or not I agreed with the Report's conclusion that the FBI did not take my reports and allegations seriously, although they were supported by facts, evidence, and other witnesses.
From one perspective, my answer was: yes; despite all the facts, evidence, and other witnesses, the bureau chose not to investigate the espionage case and other criminal acts committed against the United States, its people, and its national security; instead they chose to cover it up. On the other hand, from another perspective, my answer was: No; they took my case, and their objective, which was to cover up these issues and criminal acts, extremely seriously. After all, for the past three years they have been relentlessly and in an unprecedented manner engaged in actions geared towards covering up my reports and investigations into my allegations.
Lets talk about these unconstitutional and un-American actions, shall we? Gagging the United States Congress, blocking court proceedings in my case by invoking the so-called state secret privilege, quashing a subpoena for my deposition on information regarding 9/11, withholding documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act, and preventing the release of the entire report issued by the Department of Justice- Inspector General's office. They engaged in these relentless efforts to cover up, despite the fact that the allegations in my reports, many of which have been confirmed by the unclassified IG report, the United States Senate, and leaked memos by the Department of Justice, involve criminal conduct against our national interests, serious security breaches & espionage activities threatening our intelligence, intentional mistranslation of intelligence, and intentional blocking of certain terrorism and criminal cases related to 9/11 from being investigated.
This is not just about one case or one whistleblower. This is not just about our government's relentless fight against me, and my information. This fight is also directed against what is known as "the public's right to know" in our essential oversight responsibility over our government as responsible citizens. As Harry Truman stated: "When even one American -- who has done nothing wrong -- is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril." This is a fight against our democracy, which cannot exist without transparency and accountability. Standing up to despotism and tyranny has always been considered illegal by those in power, and dangerous to those who would expose them. But this shouldn't be the case here, not here in the United States of America. This shouldn't be the case when it comes to a truly democratic government; a kind of a government we have proudly defined as, and believed to be, a government of the people, by the people, for the people. Please ask yourself: What happened to this notion of government of the people, by the people, for the people; principles upon which our democracy and governance are supposed to be built?