Disgusted Over Bush's Dismissal of Patients' Needs, Injured Ohio Patient Demands Meeting Again
29 minutes ago
NEW YORK, Jan. 26 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Judy Mays, an Ohio woman whose life was forever altered by the devastating effects of medical negligence, said today that she was strongly disappointed to learn that President Bush (news - web sites) is returning to Ohio on Thursday without even bothering to respond to an earlier request to meet made by her and two other women. Mays, along with Lisa Vitale and Deborah Rayburn, submitted that request seven months ago. Judy Mays is sending a second meeting request today.
"It is unacceptable for President Bush to campaign for a law that would protect HMO's, drug companies, unsafe hospitals and the insurance industry, while failing to meet with the very people who will be hurt most by his narrow-minded and harmful legislation," said Mays.
Bush plans to come to Ohio to discuss his health care agenda, which includes limiting compensation to most catastrophically injured patients. While campaigning last year, President Bush came to Ohio several times to attack those who use the courts to seek compensation and improve patient safety by holding accountable in court hospitals, HMOs and other heath care providers. Mays, Vitale, and Rayburn, all devastatingly injured patients of one particular doctor whom Bush brought on stage, demanded a meeting in a letter sent June 22, 2004. The White House still has not responded, as it has refused to respond to numerous other requests to meet by injured patients.