After the Armistice in Gulf War I, special U.S. military teams were sent deep into Iraq to destroy the miles upon miles of weapons bunkers in that country. At the giant weapons dump at Khamisiyah, our own military identified WMD. At the same time, we knew that our own U.S. Commerce Department had sold the basic materials to make these weapons to Iraq during the Reagan-Bush administrations. This was later brought to light by the Reigle Report before the U.S. Congress that took place in the mid 1990s.
At Khamisiyah and at Al Nasiriyah after Gulf War I, OUR OWN GOVERNMENT SECRETLY BLEW UP CHEMICAL WEAPONS, INTENTIONALLY EXPOSING OUR OWN TROOPS TO WMD! This was one of the causes of Gulf War Syndrome. Our own CIA only recently admitted that, yes, chemical weapons were destroyed by the U.S. military right after the First Gulf War at Khamisiyah. But they say that it was unintentional. Of course, they failed to mention that military ops wearing protective gear were sent to these sites beforehand and that warheads containing sarin gas and other chemicals were first tested before being blown up. There are probably several other sites where we found and destroyed WMD, besides Khamisiyah, but this is the only one admitted by our government to date. The reason for this cover-up is that our government (1) didn't want to admit that we had sold these stockpiles to Hussein so the WMD destruction took place in secret (2) didn't want to admit that we had INTENTIONALLY exposed our own military in Iraq to WMD resulting in Gulf War Syndrome and kept the secret (3) wanted a further excuse to use military force in the future against Saddam Hussein, knowing all the while that much of his WMD stockpiles no longer existed. Colin Powell going before the UN to detail Hussein's stockpile of WMD that he possessed before Gulf War I, when we knew that we had destroyed much of this in secret, is beyond lies. This is a major secret and cover-up that continues within our government: the extent of WMD to which we intentionally exposed our own military, following the conclusion of the First Gulf War. Just put Khamisiyah and WMD into any search engine and you'll come up with some very interesting articles.