has discussed this at length.
The researchers are having difficulty comprehending the story we are being told.
Medical treatment in midst a cloud of Mace?
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=125&topic_id=8440The air within the plane is circulated through the cabin and also through the cockpit.
http://www.brokenwings.ca/chpt17.html Therefore the PILOTS would have been affected as would ALL the passengers INCLUDING the hijackers unless the hijackers carried gas masks and aqualungs or something similar that allowed them the freedom to walk around and hijack the plane.
Flight 11 has been very problematic to 911 researchers because of factual discrepancies such as that one.
Atta and others appear to have boarded the plane AFTER it left -- and the 911 Omission has reached, commented on, and published, that same finding.
Flight 11 was not scheduled to take off and there is NOTHING to indicate that it ever did so.
If you look closely at accounts which were published on that day and the next, some say point blank that Flight 175 hit one tower and many go on to claim that Flight 77 hit the second.
Flight 11 was said to have been flown into the tower by Ameer Bukhari but then a certain Mr. Hopkins went and looked up the FAA records after reading the Washington Post and he was let go after talking to his supervisor. It turns out that Ameer Bukhari had been dead for exactly one year and the FAA and NTSB had investigated the plane crash that had killed him. In other words, he had a SOLID alibi. Next thing you know, Atta has switched out of Logan, gone to Portland, Maine and hijacked Flight 11.
Come on over to the September 11 Forum and check out some of the research there. We are not a bunch of crazy CTs. It is the story that is kooky, and NOT your fellow DUers.