The rival station in NYC is WWPR (and only an "urban" station at that! UGH!)
WWPR is Clear Channel. Look it up on Clear Channel radio search. More analysis:
From the CNN article we learn that
Last Monday January 24 Miss Jones (I can't remember her whole name) apologized. By Wednesday she and most her crew were suspended.
Yet, still Friday January 29, a big protest was worked up with a complacent Brooklyn councilwoman Yvette Clark who told people to switch to (surprised?) the Clear Channel "Urban" Station.,0,8025.story?coll=ny-homepage-promoYes, what Miss Jones did is disgusting, but notice that it in keeping with a tradition that Star the former DJ at WQHT and now at WWPR started or continued himself.
At the same time there is a huge push to destroy Hip Hop or bring it more under the control of the proper corporations.
Check this out about this Essence magazine woman going on racist O'Reilly's show and talking down Hip Hop. right wing is very interested in destroying non clear channel Hip Hop and R&B stations because the others will play an occasional song with a little protest in it.
Clear Channel, of course, is just interested in grabbing as much market and money as they can anyway they can. Closing off protest is just one of the ways they cater to business interests and garner support from right wing sources.
How to fight this:
1)Please reply to this string if you hear the Tsunami parody on any radio station or find a link where it is being passed around on the internet. There are people out there who are mascarading as upstanding citizens that enjoy this piece of trash and are passing it on.
I found it at (not the audio file but a link to it and a plea to pass it on.) (No that is not a group I favor. I only went there when google groups said I had contact with that group. I can only figure that some post in my group was from a person in that groupl)
I will be watching this string for replies on other sightings
Lets expose their hypocrisy.
2)Anyone near NYC? Call WWPR some morning soon and tell them you want to talk with "Star" about the Tsunami song. Then when you get to him ask him if he thinks the Tsunami song was more tasteless than his parody about the death of Aaliyah and calling his derogatory remarks about Jennifer Lopez.
The incident is not the first time HOT 97 has been accused of racism and poor taste. The station made headlines when deejay Star, now at another radio station, called Jennifer Lopez a "rice-and-bean eater" and satirized the plane crash that killed R&B singer Aaliyah in 2001.
(Excerpted from CNN article linked in original post in this string) Okay here's a copy of that link:, the other station that CNN won't name where "Star" is now at is WWPR.
It could be a problem for Hot if it had to replace the morning show, since popular ex-WQHT host Star just launched there on rival WWPR (105.1 FM).
From: please be careful what battles you join. You might be helping Clear Channel and right wingers achieve their objectives otherwise.