With record numbers of students signing up for a free federal tutoring program but not attending the classes, test-preparation companies are offering such incentives as tickets to sporting events, MP3 players, and $100 Visa gift cards just for showing up.
The program, known as Supplemental Educational Services, was created by the federal No Child Left Behind Act to provide tutoring to poor children at high-needs schools that have failed to accomplish "adequate yearly progress" for two consecutive years. In the past, the city Department of Education conducted the tutoring itself, but, starting this school year, private test preparation companies and community groups took over.
Well-known national tutoring companies - among them Newton Learning, Princeton Review, Education Station, Platform Learning, and the Washington Post Company's Kaplan K12 Learning Services - could collectively earn more than $100 million by coaching the high-needs New York City students in math and reading. But there's a hitch: The companies get paid only if students actually show up.
...The company offers its students Visa gift cards worth $100 if they post perfect attendance for the entire 80-hour after-school program, which stretches over about half the school year. Children with lower rates of attendance get gift cards in smaller denominations.